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23 déc. 2022
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Blues de St-Louis
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Forum: Armchair-GM8 juin 2023 à 10 h 10
Sujet: Curious
Yeah I'm not doing that if I am either team

I don't see a fit with the Blues. Maybe something around Schenn and Neighbours?

PS : love the Description in the OP, damn Dorion is bad

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AC14</b></div><div>I don’t think washed up is the best way to put it. But there’s certainly reason for concern, and I can’t see him fetching near what Ottawa paid for him.

Last season wasn’t great for him, and it’s the first season away from Kane. Reason for concern, but minimal, he still produced at a decent rate.

His QO pretty much ensures he’s gets a large pay day. Nobody or at least no fan wants to see their team sign an undersized winger coming off his worst season in the first season of changed circumstances to 8m+/year. It’s highly volatile.

There’s also an odd frenzy of people way overvaluing cap space, but at the same time, most teams cannot fit in 8m+ on Debrincat and pay a large futures package with no salary going back the other way.

For the blues as listed above, the fit just isn’t there. We have too many holes and too many question marks and too limited cap space to fix them.

Also just a short aside after scrolling through some other replies, chances of the Blues moving Snuggerud or the 10th pick are very very slim.

Snuggerud had a fantastic season and plays a pretty blues style of hockey and the Blues haven’t picked near the 10 spot in a long long time.</div></div>

Keep in mind DeBrincat had to play with rookie Pinto as his center, a guy who had just missed a full season due to injury. DeBrincat would have produced more if Norris had been healthy. Both DeBrincat and Batherson suffered a lot from Norris injury, particularly defensively (offense comes from good defense). Pinto is good and will be great (will develop into a Danault type) but way too much responsibility for a rookie Center coming off a serious injury

DeBrincat needs to fit the team that will acquire him, a team strong at Center but that lacks goal scoring wingers. Blues are not a fit.

And I totally understand not wanting to move a prospect like Snuggerud, same as we didn't want to move Pinto and Greig, even for Chychrun
Forum: Armchair-GM8 juin 2023 à 7 h 49
Sujet: Curious
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AC14</b></div><div>I don’t think washed up is the best way to put it. But there’s certainly reason for concern, and I can’t see him fetching near what Ottawa paid for him.

Last season wasn’t great for him, and it’s the first season away from Kane. Reason for concern, but minimal, he still produced at a decent rate.

His QO pretty much ensures he’s gets a large pay day. Nobody or at least no fan wants to see their team sign an undersized winger coming off his worst season in the first season of changed circumstances to 8m+/year. It’s highly volatile.

There’s also an odd frenzy of people way overvaluing cap space, but at the same time, most teams cannot fit in 8m+ on Debrincat and pay a large futures package with no salary going back the other way.

For the blues as listed above, the fit just isn’t there. We have too many holes and too many question marks and too limited cap space to fix them.

Also just a short aside after scrolling through some other replies, chances of the Blues moving Snuggerud or the 10th pick are very very slim.

Snuggerud had a fantastic season and plays a pretty blues style of hockey and the Blues haven’t picked near the 10 spot in a long long time.</div></div>

I appreciate your breakdown here of the possible reasoning behind why Debrincats value may have slumped slightly! Can I give a rebuttal to this from a sens point of view?

Reasoning why his point total dropped in my eyes are his most used linemates were Pinto and Batherson. With Norris going down early in the season this was probably worst case scenario as Pinto is still getting used to the league and coming off of shoulder surgery, Batherson is a productive forward but also had a rough year based off of previous years.

I think not playing with the likes of Stutzle (Ottawas obvious top forward) or Tkachuk and Norris going down for pretty much the entire season is a major reason why you saw Debrincat's numbers slip it's not bc of necessarily being away from Kane Debincat but it was more so the linemates and the system that Ottawa plays (dump and chase) which aren't the fit.

I do believe personally as much as I love Debrincat as a player and am a sens fan that Pierre Dorion is a bit of an idiot and jumped the gun last offseason. He doesn't really know how what he's doing as GM or who to go after stylistically to fit the system. At this point he should probably fire the coach and bring in someone who plays a possession style to fit Debrincat, Norris, Stutzle, Batherson, Chychrun and Chabots style of play more so that they can actually succeed
Forum: Armchair-GM23 mai 2023 à 15 h 56
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AC14</b></div><div>I don’t completely hate this as a Blues fan. Not sure how beneficial it would be to us though. It’s pretty much Smith or Mitchkov there.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BigBadBurke</b></div><div>Dvorak would be a fine stop gap at #3C for the next 2 yrs it really aint that bad is it</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>mokumboi</b></div><div>Cap, dude. We are not adding millions in cap burden for Dvorak. There are loads of better options for far cheaper.</div></div>

Doing this trade is an acknowledgement that the Blues aren't going to be competitive for another year or two. The late round picks are their best currency for acquiring immediate help, or moving their own inefficient contracts. The benefit is they get their best swing at elite talent since 2008, the drawback is that elite talent can't help them for at least a year (more so if it's Michkov).

If the trade off for getting in the top five is taking an inefficient contract back at a position the Blues need a guy, that's not really something I would lose much sleep over. If it's between Dvorak for 2 years and a top 5 pick or re-signing Noel Accari for 3 years at 2.5 million, not really a hard choice for me.

The reality is the Blues, under current management and ownership, are never going to go in a direction where they plan to not make the playoffs for a few years, and that's why this doesn't happen from their perspective. Also it's a pretty weak deal for Montreal IMO.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BigBadBurke</b></div><div>but i wanna see a Buch-Alexandrov-Michkov line in 4 years so badly lol</div></div>

*muppets voice* one of these things is not like the other
Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2023 à 17 h 42
Sujet: ughhhhh
Forum: Armchair-GM20 mars 2023 à 20 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM7 mars 2023 à 0 h 45
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>mokumboi</b></div><div>Now you're just trolling.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AC14</b></div><div>You want a PPG 3 zone winger for 2 2nds and think that's good value for the Blues?

Lets not get into the part where what you had stated in terms of us needing cap space is objectively false.

We don't need cap space, and Buchnevich is not being traded for 2 picks around 55 60 lol.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Tennisman142</b></div><div>But the Blues are not in a worse cap crunch than the Rangers. We have 18 already signed so we need 4-5 more players. We need to re-sign Toropchenko, Brown, Perunovich, and Tucker who are all coming off of injury riddled seasons or their entry level contracts. All of them will probably sign under a million each. Our backup goaltender is already signed to a 2 year 775K deal. We will still have 2-3 million left with a full roster next year. Don't know where you are getting that the blues are in a cap crunch. Plus our GM said we aren't competing next year and don't plan to sign FA. We have plenty of cap space next year</div></div>

A very funny thing lost in all of this (true) analysis about Buchnevich's value and the Blues' cap situation is that this ACGM is one of objectively bad cap management.

Poster claims a team that isn't in cap hell is in cap hell in order to justify getting one of that teams best players for nothing, and then proceeds to construct a roster that is a man short because getting that player for nothing has put them in cap hell. If it's not trolling, it's a truly impressive display of irony even for Capfriendly.