

Membre depuis
25 janv. 2017
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Ducks d'Anaheim
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Forum: Armchair-GM19 avr. 2020 à 19 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM19 avr. 2020 à 19 h 44
Forum: Armchair-GM16 avr. 2020 à 11 h 54
Forum: Armchair-GM16 avr. 2020 à 11 h 40
Forum: Armchair-GM16 avr. 2020 à 11 h 19
Forum: Armchair-GM25 mars 2020 à 23 h 13
Forum: Armchair-GM11 mars 2020 à 16 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GM11 mars 2020 à 4 h 39
Forum: Armchair-GM6 mars 2020 à 18 h 2
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>hero9154</b></div><div>Rangers decline.

1. They will not trade a 2020 first round pick to get out of the Staal contract that is set to expire after next season.
2. They will be able to move Smith after July 1st along with a 4th/5th round pick for a 7th or something along that line.</div></div>

Agreed on your first point. NYR really isn't in desperate need to move Staal's contract. Plenty of cap space and very few players due massive upgrades. However, care to explain why anyone is taking on Brenden Smith's cap hit for a 4th or 5th round pick?

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AFOX10900</b></div><div>Meh, you were always complaining about needing more grit it seemed... Deslauriers is your guy 😁 IDC, could be any team tho, he just didn't really have a spot on the team lol</div></div>

Deslaurier's isn't getting moved. He's been very good for us and is a character type player we need more of.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>OldNYIfan</b></div><div>I think that the Boston pick is locked into #27 (if they lose in the first or second round), #29 (if they lose in the Conference finals), or ##30-31 (if they get to the Cup finals).

I'd pay up to $2 million for Derek Grant. But then, I'm an extremist.

Take out the second from the Rangers trade and add one of ours: Antoine Morand. Now maybe the NY guys won't whine about value.</div></div>

Assuming BOS stays where they are now (I don't see TB beating them), that is correct.

$2 million on Grant is a little steep for me, but I'd go up to $1.5M. He doesn't do much wrong. The 12-15 goals is just a bonus.
Forum: Armchair-GM4 mars 2020 à 19 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM4 mars 2020 à 11 h 40
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Salzy</b></div><div>Getting mad at speculation on a website that is built on it :sarcasm

Offer sheets are not a myth, and the Ducks know that first hand.

A team could offer Cernak 4.2x4 and Tampa has a really hard time matching that without making other moves and worrying about Cirelli or Sergachev offer sheets

A second in 2021 is a price the Ducks or any team would easily pay for Cernak imo, his trade value isnt much more than that so Tampa may take the easy way out and take the second

Nobody knows if Cernak, or any other player would sign an offersheet unless you are that player and/or his agent, saying anything different is ridiculous, interviews and quotes could all be smokescreens and again this is a speculative website by nature

The Lightning are facing a massive cap crunch and this offseason will be very tough, it is not a sure thing Tampa can keep all 3 of Cirelli Sergachev and Cernak and you're Naive if you believe its a forgone conclusion. Sure they may keep all 3 but there is a very real possibility they lose at least one of them whether thats to trade or an offersheet, Bergevin making Aho one last offseason may encourage more this offseason, no one knows if an offersheet will be made and/or accepted.

The fun of ACGM is speculation of scenarios and this is an example of this, If cap increases by 3M this season, Tampa has 8.3M in cap room with 15 players under contract. 5-8 players needed to be signed and you are facing the possibility of losing good young players since Cernak, Sergachev, and Cirelli should all easily break 2.5 each</div></div>

Just following up on this. If it meant keeping his contract price down, I would prefer to pay the additional 3rd to acquire Cernak instead of offersheeting him. I don't think he'll get $4.2M per, especially not from TB. That's quite a high price for me.

TB is going to have make some moves. Cirelli, Serg and Cernak all looking at significant raises. $7M in cap space not enough to get it done IMO.
Forum: Armchair-GM3 mars 2020 à 12 h 22
Sujet: Off-Season
I don't know. I guess, in a vacuum, the value is fine. However, I'd prefer to keep Henrique as a leader and someone with the experience of going deep and knowing what it takes to win. He's been to the SCFs and just seems like a good character guy that you want to have around your youth that is coming through. He's also well worth his contract right now. I couldn't care less about Guhle, but Jones seems to be finding his groove of late. I wouldn't move him right now. He's got fantastic work ethic and backs himself. I wasn't a huge fan of Jones following his draft (injuries, penalties, lack of scoring being a major concern), but he's grown on me since starting for the big club.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ledge_And_Dairy</b></div><div>this team really needs to draft Drysdale</div></div>

We need an elite forward more IMO. Laf, Byfield or Stuzle would be a great addition.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DriveFor25</b></div><div>ikr if they draft 3 or beyond they will draft him 100 %.</div></div>

I wouldn't hold your breath. Our D really hasn't been the issue this season, it's scoring. If anything, we only need a PP specialist with a RS. Perhaps Vatanen returns to ANA on a more moderate deal. Could happen given he liked it here and he has had a very poor injury history since leaving. I'd take him at $4M x 5-6 years.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AFOX10900</b></div><div>I hope they don't reach for Drysdale, I'd rather any of the top 4-5 forwards (Laf Byfield Stutzle and Raymond at least) over him</div></div>

Me too. I am not that high on Drysdale and don't see the top pairing potential that others do. This draft is forward heavy and i think he's getting a bit overhyped as a result. I'd pass on Drysdale, just liked I'd have passed on Broberg.
Forum: Armchair-GM2 mars 2020 à 20 h 9