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Forum: Armchair-GM3 mars 2020 à 12 h 22
Sujet: Off-Season
I don't know. I guess, in a vacuum, the value is fine. However, I'd prefer to keep Henrique as a leader and someone with the experience of going deep and knowing what it takes to win. He's been to the SCFs and just seems like a good character guy that you want to have around your youth that is coming through. He's also well worth his contract right now. I couldn't care less about Guhle, but Jones seems to be finding his groove of late. I wouldn't move him right now. He's got fantastic work ethic and backs himself. I wasn't a huge fan of Jones following his draft (injuries, penalties, lack of scoring being a major concern), but he's grown on me since starting for the big club.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ledge_And_Dairy</b></div><div>this team really needs to draft Drysdale</div></div>

We need an elite forward more IMO. Laf, Byfield or Stuzle would be a great addition.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DriveFor25</b></div><div>ikr if they draft 3 or beyond they will draft him 100 %.</div></div>

I wouldn't hold your breath. Our D really hasn't been the issue this season, it's scoring. If anything, we only need a PP specialist with a RS. Perhaps Vatanen returns to ANA on a more moderate deal. Could happen given he liked it here and he has had a very poor injury history since leaving. I'd take him at $4M x 5-6 years.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AFOX10900</b></div><div>I hope they don't reach for Drysdale, I'd rather any of the top 4-5 forwards (Laf Byfield Stutzle and Raymond at least) over him</div></div>

Me too. I am not that high on Drysdale and don't see the top pairing potential that others do. This draft is forward heavy and i think he's getting a bit overhyped as a result. I'd pass on Drysdale, just liked I'd have passed on Broberg.
Forum: Armchair-GM2 mars 2020 à 20 h 9
Forum: Armchair-GM2 mars 2020 à 11 h 5
Forum: Armchair-GM27 févr. 2020 à 16 h 23
Forum: Armchair-GM26 févr. 2020 à 16 h 22
Forum: Armchair-GM25 févr. 2020 à 14 h 4
Forum: Armchair-GM25 févr. 2020 à 13 h 50
Forum: Armchair-GM25 févr. 2020 à 4 h 48
Overall, I'm happy with how the TDL went. The only move I don't like is the Ritchie trade, but that's only because Heinen is just so vanilla. Not a bad player, but doesn't really excel at anything. Reminds me of Logan Shaw. Would have preferred a pick to be honest. Some are saying the Kase deal was bad and BM should have got more. I'm going to assume that was the best deal on the table. It's not what I hoped for, but, if it's a question of taking the deal or not, I'd take the deal because Kase's value was only going 1-way. The rest are good deals. Getting anything for Grant, Holzer, Shore is a win in my book. Losing Sprong sucks and as that Pettersson trade continues to look terrible for us. I don't understand why he was never given an opportunity here. At least we have Sprong 2.0 in Milano, who I believe is a better team player whilst also suffering the same defensive deficiencies as Sprong.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Salzy</b></div><div><a href="/users/OldNYIfan" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@OldNYIfan</a> <a href="/users/Jah1722" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@Jah1722</a> <a href="/users/mytduxfan" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@mytduxfan</a> Curious to see who you guys think we should go after if we target a top 4 RD by trade/FA</div></div>

I wouldn't. We need to get younger in that position. Unless we're trading Rakell to EDM for Bouchard or to NYR for Nils Lundkvist, I just stand pat with what we have. The draft is the best way to improve RD. Lots of RH D-men will be available around our 2nd 1st round pick.
Forum: Armchair-GM23 févr. 2020 à 20 h 51
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ragsandbluesfan</b></div><div>Because hes better offensively, and defensively, and has more term, and hes much more consistent</div></div>

How can a guy whose peak goals and points in one season is 1 goal and 5 pts less than Rakell's and whose P/GP is 0.54 vs. Rakel's 0.63 be better offensively? I think you'll struggle to justify that one.

Better defensively? Ok, sure. I won't pretend to have watched Zucker enough to say he's worse defensively. Rakell is ok defensively, but nothing special. So I'll assume Zucker is better. However, I am sure the difference (if any) is small. Zucker isn't some Selke nominated winger or anything, so let's not pretend that his defensive game is leaps and bounds beyond Rakell's. Moreover, they're scoring wingers, so they're getting paid to score and the focus of their game will be putting the puck in the net.

More term? I'd give you that if Zucker wasn't being paid 5.5M vs. Rakell's &lt;$4M? I mean, we're talking about 1 year here. You're going to have to explain why a contending team that is close to cap would value 1 more year at a more expensive rate for a guy who is less offensively-gifted (as established above) than Rakell. Surely, if you're that close to the cap and pinching every $, you take the cheaper and offensively better guy. I mean, Rakell still has 3 full playoff runs left, so it's not like he's on &lt;$4M now and then going to get a massive increase next year or something. Rakell is also younger, so you're getting a player in his prime years for longer. Yeah, I don't think any contending team will say that Zucker is more valuable because he has more term.

Zucker is more consistent? Yeah, he's more consistent because Rakell has 2 x 30+ goal seasons whereas Zucker only has 1. So yeah, he consistently produces less than Rakell. That's not an upside. I mean, if you're specifically referring to Rakell's down year this year, Zucker has a similar points total. Again, don't think consistency adds value. Production is key and Rakell is better at producing.

Rakell is younger, better offensively, cheaper than Zucker. His contract adds massive value because contending teams don't have the cap for big contracts and he comes with enough term for 3 x playoff runs. For these reasons, he should return more than Zucker.
Forum: Armchair-GM23 févr. 2020 à 20 h 27