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1 mars 2023
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Forum: Armchair-GM1 févr. à 17 h 39
Sujet: Leafs
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. à 16 h 36
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. à 15 h 11
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. à 15 h 16
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. à 10 h 22
Sujet: Who say no
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. à 7 h 55
Sujet: Who say no
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>T0R</b></div><div>Where did he “Carry” the sharks exactly?,Oh in point totals when his defensive Iq is on par with a cardboard box? like Erik Karlsson is THE LAST THING THE LEAFS NEED, replacing Marner with him would be a braindead move &amp; Mitch does not need a change of scenery like at all, he’s still over a ppg player &amp; hasn’t even hit 28 yrs of age

One of these guys is a Over PPG player who is a 6 time 20 goal scorer,multi time 90+ point scorer,selke runner up &amp; one of the most prolific playmakers in hockey who is sublime on the PK plus is only 27

Karlsson is a 33 yr old 2 Time Norris Trophy winner who gets paid 10 mil &amp; puts up points,with injury history who can QB a PP &amp; that’s about it

Value is not close what so ever, to even think of this you’re likely adding a prospect most likely Pickering &amp; a 1st on top of that, I can see the Pens getting a 2024 3rd back but that is about it

Look at this objectively

The Leafs in this trade lose a Top 10 RW in the League &amp; get a Top 30 defensemen who really doesn’t help the issues with the defence for basically the same cap hit, if you really think that is fair value then you actually are insane Pickering would need to be included as well as a 1st next year or 2nd this year, maybe we’ll send you Niemela &amp; Hirvonen back to Kyle as a Thank You but Value wise you’re off by alot

&amp; Finally ERIK KARLSSON IN 2024 IS NOT A 1D, the 1D of the Pens is Letang, glad we cleared that up</div></div>

Karlsson is also a future hall of famer.

No matter how many times you and your many alts blabber how bad he is doesn't make it true. 🙄
Forum: Armchair-GM27 janv. à 20 h 20
Forum: Armchair-GM25 janv. à 11 h 48
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Prime_Jimbo</b></div><div>Not necessarily a direct response to yours but...

I just don't want Van to pay Big Z Graves money on an extension. I also prefer Reilly Smith to Kuz by a wide margin. Graves with a solid, stay at home guy like Cole could be interesting. Z doesn't really match up super well with anyone on the team currently. Graves and Marino was pretty solid last year.

I get the cap space is an enviable part here (for both teams) and I see Big Z as a rental in Van. His agent, Milstein, is always talking about big $ for Z. I just don't want Van to focus on any deals but Petey and Hronek, so Graves already sorted is a + to me. Not to mention all the constant Kuz chatter. Next year would be a lot of chatter about Kuz extension... Don't want it.</div></div>

I agree we shouldn't be paying Z that money and I look at him as a rental. What I want is for him to walk. We've got lots of good bottom pair LD in the farm. I think you've got to leave room for them to make the team. Resigning Cole or looking at options like that are the way to deal with our bottom pair LD imo. But I appreciate the logic. If we didn't have Soucy, while I probably still wouldn't want Graves, but I would agree with looking for a player in that role.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Victor24</b></div><div>The problem there is the Pens are already short of defenseman. They can't trade one who has been much better as of late. It would need to be a swap like Prime suggested.</div></div>

Oops, ****ed up what I was trying to say. I meant a Kuz Smith swap with low picks to offset difference in value of there is any. If either team things value is to far apart then, no need to do it.