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Forum: Mock-Draft25 mai à 12 h 52
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NHLfan10506</b></div><div>Sounds right to me.

SJS isn’t taking him
CHi has other needs to address
ANA sounds very unlikely
CBJ (?)
MTL sounds somewhat unlikely

So Utah, Ottawa, Seattle, Calgary range perhaps. Or maybe one of them jumps Utah to grab him at #5.</div></div>

Let's go into the rabbit hole. I'll say no. 9 is maximum.

No. 1 is Celebrini.

At no. 2 Blackhawks don't need additional wingers. With Dach in mind I doubt they'll take Lindstrom with his health concerns at no. 2. If they don't trade up they will most probably take D-man. They are high on Dickinson, but it might also be enyone else. Let's say they take Levshunov who is older and shots right.

At no. 3 are Ducks loaded on star forwards and have two interesting guys there. Buium is local guy and Parekh is teammate with Dionicio, Ducks' prospect. With Drysdale's health experience behind and Parekh's slight health concerns and riskier style of play Ducks might select Buium. He also looks NHL/AHL ready, which Parekh isn't.

At no. 4 could Columbus go either direction. They need forwards the most, so big center Lindstrom could be preferred in front of smaller winger Demidov. Their LHD prospects pool is also numerous, but not necessery the best. So let's say Silayev or Dickinson also make sense to them. Sure, Columbus can select Silayev in front of Demidov.

At. no. 5 it could come down to Montreal. Would you rather have Lindstrom or Demidov? I would say they would prefer Lindstrom. They might have the most numerous prospects pool, but are almost empty on centers (Owen Beck?).

At no. 6 is Utah almost empty on RHD (Soderstrom is 23, Lamouroux is 20). I can justify they could select either Parekh or Yakemchuk in front of Demidov. Each of the couple is a 30-goal scorer. These D-men are rare while offensive wingers are common. Sure, Utah selects 6ft3 Yakemcuk.

If at no. 7 Ottawa would have a chance to draft Parekh, would they pass on him? I don't think they would. Again, 30-goal scoring D-men don't come along often. So I say Ottawa selects offensive RHD in front of offensive winger.

At no. 8 Seattle has great forward group in the AHL/juniors. Defense? Not so much, especially LHD. With Evans being at least part-time NHL-er it's more or less just Caden Price. Sure, Seattle takes guaranteed NHL-caliber D-man, Dickinson.

Let's say the order so far is Celebrini, Levshunov, Buium, Silayev, Lindstrom, Yakemchuk, Parekh, Dickinson.

At no. 9 it comes to Calgary to decide between Jerome's son and Demidov. Should I try to justify Calgary should select Iginla in front of Demidov? I give up, Calgary selects Demidov. Jerome is a grown man, he will understand.

So at no. 2 Chicago selects Demidov or... ?
Forum: Mock-Draft21 mai à 23 h 26
Forum: Mock-Draft21 mai à 21 h 11
Forum: Armchair-GM19 mai à 14 h 56