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9 janv. 2024
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Bruins de Boston
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Forum: Armchair-GM20 juin à 9 h 30
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>nalzugaray12</b></div><div>I’d rather not head into the season locking in Matt Poitras as a guaranteed spot on the roster. It’s not that I’m not a fan I am, he’s going to be a good player, but if he has any sort of set back then that creates a hole in the lineup. I’d rather give him 1C in Providence, let him get all the ice time in the world, and call him up if needed.

As for the signings, I’ll understand not bringing in Vrana because that is risk. But if you can convince him to sign a 1 year prove it deal? Why not? Provides speed and scoring ability..problem is the injury history. But he’s one of the few potential low risk high reward players in the market

Carrier is the best 4th liner in the market (arguably) and this 4th line is desperate for an experienced vet who can help lead charge and even provide scoring. Lucic and Maroon were failed experiments, it’s time to address the 4th line by bringing in a guy or 2.

Powerplay 2 you could swap Coyle in there and maybe put Geekie/frederic on PP1 but you also got guys like H Lindholm, OEL, Heinen that can get in that mix. I would like to have some sort of decent cap space heading into the trade deadline for next year which is why I didn’t spend every dime</div></div>

I can see the carrier and poitras ideas doe sure, think for the powerplay youd want to swap marchand and zacha so the 2nd powerplay actually has some scoring capabilities on it because vrana isnt enough on his own and zacha, geekie anad freddy cant be the play drivers. I'd even swap mcavoy and lohrei since mcavoy has a really good shot.

Leaving cap space isn't a terrible idea I just feel like it would have to be used to entice a guy like lindholm to come or to keep swayman around.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 juin à 8 h 34