

Membre depuis
9 janv. 2024
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Bruins de Boston
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Forum: Armchair-GM19 juin à 8 h 34
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 22 h 18
Sujet: MCR38
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 19 h 47
Forum: Fauteuil - DG18 juin à 19 h 14
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 19 h 3
Sujet: 88m Cap Bs
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 18 h 37
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>colby</b></div><div>I hard disagree. building ur D core around 2 young super talented LD and having a top 4-7D in McAvoy and one of the most underrated D in carlo imo its 100% worth. Broberg is already an NHL player + injuries happen all the time so he could easily play top 4 mins for parts of the season. lindholm is here for a while but he should bounce back to a similar level he played 2 years ago and if he keeps that up for a year or 2 hes very very movable and with the cap going up its not like u would be forced into moving him (thinking it goes up 3ish per year ur looking at 10ishm extra in 2-4 years when u would be looking to move him and give that money to broberg). I think moving on from coyle would be a huge mistake. hes been one of the best 3rd liners year in year out and showed this past season hes very capable of playing top 6c mins. the bruins main problem is they dont have any elite fwd talent that looks to replace the talent they have lost over the last few years. I think fredric will start to show he can play top 6mins or at worst be a really strong 3rd liner. pots looks to be the only hope so adding holloway would give a top6 possible player and allow zacha to move to the wing whenever pots and him step up into the mainc roles. coyle could also play wing if needed or be a strong 3rdc and depending on what geekie wants that could leave u with only having to look for someone to replace march. which if they sign lindholm in FA to be there #1 that could allow a top lines in 2-3 years too be zacha-lindholm-pasta holloway-pots-(whoever grows the best from merk,lysell,braz or even coyle) fredric-coyle/geekie(if hes extended)- merk/ maybe march?. that would still leave braz, boqvist, beecher and any other talent that u grow or sign to be filling in the gaps. thats a very very very good team right now let alone when all those players grow. not to mention ur D would be 3 lines deep and u would have sway. thats a team contending for a cup imo and its mainly built off signing lindholm and getting this return for ullmark. its all imo ofc</div></div>

I totally agree with a lot of the next few years comes down to if lindholm is signed and I think I meant more like if coyle was gonna want 5 million again I wouldn't be able to justify that for him to play on the third line. As for the lines you suggested I really like them except I feel like if lysell and poitras are on a line together I'd like to see someone like freddy be with them to almost be like their big brother making sure they don't get smoked 24/7. Also him being on that line would free up space on the ice for poitras and lysell to make some plays, which means holloways on the third line which if were assuming he grows well would hurt the growth or be a waste of his talent. I'm coming around to the brogerg idea if hampus lindholm gets moved a couple years down the line, I'm still not quite sold on holloway just because of the awkwardness of his timeline with respect to other guys on the bruins. Also I'd like to hear you're thoughts on merk because im not really sold on him, I'd rather move him because he's taken a while to grow and at the NHL level if boston is looking to contend right now, there likely wont be a lot of space for him on the roster.
Forum: Armchair-GM16 juin à 21 h 51
Sujet: Bruins
Forum: Armchair-GM16 juin à 21 h 39
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>colby</b></div><div>i mean holloway is 22 and everytime he goes back to the AHL he dominates. Hes clearly NHL level and has plenty of room to grow. 14th overall pick just 4 years ago and already has almost 100 nhl games (not including playoffs). broberg is 22 yearold LD who would slot behind lorhei and lindholm would be fairly cheap for the next 3-4 years for them and is a former 8th overall pick. similar to holloway everytime he goes to the AHL he is clearly far above everyone else and has really stepped up this year and still has massive room to grow. at worst u get a cheap 3LD and 3/4C who both can improve significantly and has RFA rights for the next few years that you could flip. I dont think trading for chyc is smart for boston. 1 year rental who would be there 3LD who will most likely be gone. imo just a 10oa/ future first + 2/3rd is really the only other option if ur moving him. hes not going to be enough to get an elite player. maybe laine being available and Cbj building like they want to win within the next few years it could be close to value but U would still have to give up and all u need is 1 of broberg or holloway to reach there potential and u get a top4D/top6C/LW and a role player for ullmark and 2-3M in cap space to resign sway + march and coyle next year</div></div>

I think chychrun is bad for the bruins just based on their timeline with lohrei. Thats why I'm not the biggest fan of getting broberg, he might have all this room to grow but he wont get the minutes if lohrei gets locked up and lindholm is here for another 6 years at most. But overall I agree, id maybe look to moving on from coyle though, knowing poitras is going to be growing as well. I feel like if this were to get done that mantha would also be a roadblock for them, id rather have zacha at LW so poitras can get 2nd/3rd line minutes