

Membre depuis
9 janv. 2024
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Bruins de Boston
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Forum: Armchair-GMil y a 4 heures
Forum: Armchair-GMjeu. à 15 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GMmar. à 6 h 17
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>zhengbangstu</b></div><div>Thats very fair, I think OEL is just too expensive to play bottom pair minutes. But yea if you can come up with a dakota joshua replacement please do, hes really not as good as the money suggests.</div></div>

Watch them resign Forbort and Heinen instead of OEL and Joshua. My hope is they resign DeBrusk before free agency starts.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>hairyberry</b></div><div>I totally agree with this. Bunch of reddit-type goofs are talking about how awful the trade is, but they probably watched Korpisalo play twice this year and looked up his save % on db before deciding he sucks. The Bruins staff have better evaluation metrics than us lol. The true advanced stats on goalies that actually tell the real story (not save %) are closely guarded secrets of teams' analytics departments. I also trust goalie Bob to get the most out of Korpisalo, as he does out of literally every goalie that plays for the Bs.</div></div>

People are critical of the deal because they should be. Korpisalo was likely going to take a first to dump. He’s overpaid by a wide margin. Sweeney is a very good GM, but justifying taking that salary is just mind numbing.

This is coming from someone who believes they can recover Korpisalo to trade him for a late round pick eventually, It just was an unnecessary risk and frankly, I would have rather waited until after the draft and told Staois to keep him. What the hell else was he going to do. Make an offer for John Gibson?

Good luck to Ullmark. Will miss him.
Forum: Armchair-GMlun. à 20 h 27
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>KennyBoi</b></div><div>Listen, I'm just trying to rationalize why the package is rumored to be this. I'm not implying Chych is a bad player, I'm more so saying both parties probably don't value him as much as you, me and others on this site do.

Yes obviously Chych is better than Lohrei right now, but for BOS, he isn't a <em>need</em> for them as Lohrei can play with McAvoy, which subsequently lowers Chychrun's value in BOS eyes.

And for OTT, they have one too many top4 LD's, making one expendable. And as you've mentioned, Chych seems the likely one out because Sanderson and Chabot are locked in long term already.

Not to mention, I'm sure Andlauer wants to badly make the playoffs next season. So there's pressure on Staois to fix the holes, and goaltending was certainly a big issue last season. But there aren't that many great options this summer.

I personally don't think Markstrom is an exact comparable to what an Ullmark trade will look like. Ullmark is younger/in his prime, just won the vezina two years ago, and on a really good deal for an elite starter this year. And if there's an extension in place, it justifies the trade price more.

So if Markstrom's baseline was a (possibly late) 1st + a bottom pairing dman, I don't see a (confirmed late) 1st + a top4 LD + a cap dump + the division tax being unreasonable for Ullmark.

Plus there could be other factors making OTT more willing to move on from Chych. Perhaps Staois is targeting a top4 RD in free agency, so getting rid of Chychrun now will open the door to land one.</div></div>

In hindsight I think your reasoning was sound but the radar was a little off.

I still think 25th or Chych straight up would have been reasonable. Dumping Korpi with only 25% retained is absolute lunacy. Kasey hurts to give up and he’ll be a great Bruin but I guess we know now that the division tax can go both ways.
Forum: Armchair-GMlun. à 20 h 1
Forum: Armchair-GMlun. à 15 h 51
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>zhengbangstu</b></div><div>I think what celtics is getting at by saying hes not a great asset for Boston is that Chychrun is likely a rental for the Bruins because of Lohrei. If the Bruins sign Chychrun it's almost like they're telling Lohrei to pack his things because hes gonna be a bottom pair dman until either the Bruins dont offer him a contract in 2025 or when he is eligible to hit free agency.

Celtics mentioned Chychrun not being a long term asset so I'm guessing that's what he means by that, the Bruins want to have Lohrei develop rather than ship him out because you cant keep hands, confidence and iq like that on the bottom pair</div></div>

Good point. I do love Lohrei's game. Can he take top 4 minutes on a contending team, maybe not yet but probably soon indeed. That said, I don't take for granted both players would be extended long term, or a least not sure it would be agreed prior to a trade. I think it is plausible Ullmark agrees to raise his NTC for Ottawa but waits to assess the locker room for part of the next season before comiting long term. There's red flags in OTT after all.

That said, Chychurn mostly played on the right side of Chabot the last couple seasons, which is much weaker in Boston. IDK if it's because of the injuries or their consequences, but I see Chychurn way over Carlo in the top 4, who would be relegated to a bottom pairing or traded away.

Also please don't jump at my throat for this, but IMO Mckavoy's play in the last playoffs wasn't... optimal let say. I really think Chychurn would improve the top 4 while playing Boston's style hockey.
Forum: Armchair-GM22 juin à 23 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GM22 juin à 19 h 33