

Membre depuis
9 janv. 2024
Équipe favorite
Bruins de Boston
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Forum: Armchair-GMHier à 9 h 16
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bruinadian67</b></div><div>Looks and sounds good but I have a few questions. Did Hayton have an injury last year? He only played 33 games and was a minus 13. I like that he’s a big body from Kitchener but just curious since he played the full season before and got 43 points. Also, Boqvist wasn’t given a QO so do you think they still offer him something after he tests free agency? Lastly, you have Brazeau on the LW4 spot. With this lineup I would have Zacha/Lindholm/Pasta - L2 as is - Frederic/Hayton/Geekie - Beecher/Kastelic/Brazeau. I agree with your defensive run down!!</div></div>

Hayton had a couple injuries last season, I believe he started the year super slow, got an injury, came back and player a bit and got injured again.
I would still give boqvist a deal, not sure why he wasnt qualified, very solid bottom 6 forward for us.
I have Brazzeau on LW4 because I'm pretty sure he was on the LW for a lot of his playing time last season, I could be mistaken but I believe the wings are fairly interchangeable if its not your superstar.
Lastly when I checked haytons numbers while making this I saw that his FO% was under 50% and knowing how bad the bruins were in the dot last season I could justify having him a center so thats why I have beecher at C3 (also because I really think beecher and kastelic have to find a way to both get more reps at C), beecher would get more ice team, be good in the dot, be really good defensively and maybe get a boost in points.
I do like that Freddy-Hayton-Geekie line, that will get some points and be big and annoying.