

Membre depuis
9 janv. 2024
Équipe favorite
Bruins de Boston
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Forum: Armchair-GM16 juin à 18 h 18
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>zhengbangstu</b></div><div>Just focusing on the edmonton part of this, I think if Boston got these two guys for ullmark people would consider it a fleece, for edmonton. Ullmark for a barely 4th line forward and a 3rd pairing dman is a brutal return for boston considering that ullmark is projected to be valued the same as chychrun.</div></div>

i mean holloway is 22 and everytime he goes back to the AHL he dominates. Hes clearly NHL level and has plenty of room to grow. 14th overall pick just 4 years ago and already has almost 100 nhl games (not including playoffs). broberg is 22 yearold LD who would slot behind lorhei and lindholm would be fairly cheap for the next 3-4 years for them and is a former 8th overall pick. similar to holloway everytime he goes to the AHL he is clearly far above everyone else and has really stepped up this year and still has massive room to grow. at worst u get a cheap 3LD and 3/4C who both can improve significantly and has RFA rights for the next few years that you could flip. I dont think trading for chyc is smart for boston. 1 year rental who would be there 3LD who will most likely be gone. imo just a 10oa/ future first + 2/3rd is really the only other option if ur moving him. hes not going to be enough to get an elite player. maybe laine being available and Cbj building like they want to win within the next few years it could be close to value but U would still have to give up and all u need is 1 of broberg or holloway to reach there potential and u get a top4D/top6C/LW and a role player for ullmark and 2-3M in cap space to resign sway + march and coyle next year
Forum: Armchair-GM7 juin à 17 h 40
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals7 juin à 14 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM6 juin à 23 h 50
Forum: Armchair-GM4 juin à 9 h 16