

Membre depuis
25 janv. 2017
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Ducks d'Anaheim
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Forum: Armchair-GM30 juin 2020 à 7 h 19
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2020 à 17 h 30
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2020 à 17 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2020 à 14 h 19
Forum: Armchair-GM29 juin 2020 à 11 h 27
Forum: Armchair-GM28 juin 2020 à 15 h 32
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Jack_</b></div><div>Sure Detroit didnt win the lottery but the majority of the time the last place team does end up winning it. If you are trying to win the lottery and pick 1st overall would you take a 12.5% chance of winning it or something like 18% chance of winning it. The lower you finish in the standings means you have a higher chance of winning it. That's how odds work bud.</div></div>

18% chance = guaranteed success? GOT IT! :awesome

Believing you're going to win the cup with a bunch of kids is moronic. Who was the last team to win the cup with everyone under the age of 25? The notion that the recipe to quickly turnaround a rebuild is to ship out anyone over the age of 25 for picks and prospects is just stupid. Aside from the fact you are not guaranteed 1st OA, or even a top 3 pick, even if you do tank, all prospects come with risk and could not pan out as expected. Like seriously, who do we have to replace Lindholm? I mean, you clearly know my team better than I do. So who in our prospect pool can replace Lindholm as a top line D? Or who can we draft that will replace him that isn't at least 4-5 years away from doing so.

Also, you do realise that having a team that constantly sucks for years isn't good for prospect development or their compete level? and that you can't teach experience and need veterans in your line-up to guide young prospects through the new challenges. Nah.... of course you don't. You're a TOR fan. Just rip it all down and start again. Getting knocked out of the 1st round every year to a team that didn't just blow it up and kept the likes of Marchand, Bergeron, Krejci, etc. during their struggling years is good enough for you, eh?

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Jack_</b></div><div>I dont think you understand how age curves work or how rebuilding works either kiddo.

Good reading. I clearly said top 5 since Babcock got fired even though the leafs had a ton of injuries and Andersen was awful. They were two goals away from beating Washington and took boston to game 7 twice lol</div></div>

Wow... congrats on winning the "we almost made out of the 1st round" cup! You must be really proud of your team. GTFO!!
Forum: Armchair-GM28 juin 2020 à 12 h 12
Forum: Armchair-GM28 juin 2020 à 9 h 58
Sujet: Ducks
Forum: Armchair-GM27 juin 2020 à 22 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM27 juin 2020 à 22 h 12
Okay, I am open to moving Rakell in the right deal because I am big believer in Comtois and I think good wingers can be picked up later in the draft i.e. how we got Rakell. However, I have no idea why you are desperate to trade our only top line D? Who we have no replacement for and is only 26 years old might I add. How do we replace Lindholm? We aren't getting a top 10 pick for him because the teams that get those don't need Lindholm, they need to draft, just like we do. So you're looking at later 1st round picks, later 1st round prospects, and maybe a roster player. Do you really think the solution for this team is to continue to draft more and more good, but not elite talent? I don't. Even if we did get a high pick, D-men are difficult to predict. Even if we draft one high, they may not end up as good as Lindholm. Seriously, trading Lindholm does nothing but makes us even worse. I don't see that as a good thing for young players trying to develop. That is literally EDM and it took a generational talent in McDavid + Drai to get them out of that bad habit... and I'm not even convinced they're out of it.

I appreciate that the draft lottery was a bit of a disappointment, but doesn't it also demonstrate that the way to turning things around isn't just tanking. DET just got screwed. Meanwhile, last year's NYR/CHI and, to some degree, LA this season are a good example of how teams are able to get better without jeopardising a good draft choice. Our route out of this decline is absolutely through the draft, but a secondary to that is making smart deals and that allow the kids we do bring in to grow in an environment with veterans that have been their, had the experience and are capable of guiding them through new challenges. Trading anyone over the age of 25 with any value goes against that and means we're essentially sending out our prospects to be eaten alive by other teams. That doesn't sound like a recipe for success.

P.S. The Silf deal is fine. In any event, you're assuming BM had good offers on the table. If the best offer he had was a 2nd + B prospect, would you take it? I wouldn't. Not to mention that Silf is a great playoff performer. He's going to be an excellent leader once we do make it back into the playoffs.