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25 janv. 2017
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Forum: Armchair-GM22 févr. 2020 à 19 h 14
Forum: Armchair-GM22 févr. 2020 à 6 h 7
Forum: Armchair-GM21 févr. 2020 à 18 h 8
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DocArin0</b></div><div>Id say so Bouchard is one of those A+ Prospects. Comparison IMO would be Sandin,Byram, Tippett, Brandstrom Ect those types of prospects by themselves net a Huge player on their own let alone another 1st ontop. Biggest trade comparison i could find would be the OTT-VGK Mark Stone Trade

OTT Traded: Mark Stone (With 8 Year extension) + Lindberg Whom was a throw in to make the contracts work

For VGK: Brandstrom (A+ Prospect) + Oscar Lindberg (Salary Dump) + 2nd Round pick.

If you breakdown that trade without the Salary dump you might be looking at a 3rd/4th instead of a 2nd

As for the NJD/TB trade for Coleman while Foote is a great prospect most people would see him as a B+/A- instead of an A+ IMO those A+ prospects are reserved for players with Top Pair/Line potential</div></div>

I agree that Bouchard is an A prospect. I really like him and think he's got top pairing upside. Perhaps not elite upside, but he's the right type of 2-way player to become a top pairing D-man IMO.

I don't think Mark Stone is a good comparable to Rakell. Stone was already on a hefty contract in OTT (+$7M) and wanted to get paid even more money on his next deal, effectively forcing OTT to move him. He was certainly being shopped by OTT. When Stone was traded, he got a massive 8 x 9.5M contract extension. I think his contract demands combined with OTT actively shopping him massively reduced his value. Not to mention that Stone had injury concerns attached to him. He's never had a full season and tends to miss at least 20 games per year. That also lowers his value tool. Rakell isn't the most durable of players, usually missing 10 games per season himself, but I think his team friendly deal is very, very attractive and really ups his value compared to what Stone got. I mean, you're talking about &lt;$4M per season for the next 3 playoff runs vs. $9.5M. That's massive, especially for competing teams with limited cap space.

I'm not saying that EDM would accept Bouchard + 1st. Tbh, I don't think they'd move Bouchard at all. However, I think that kind of demand is fair for Rakell.
Forum: Armchair-GM21 févr. 2020 à 17 h 49
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>exo2769</b></div><div>Yeah that was a win win trade to me.</div></div>

I think Kase could have returned more, but then I'm not that high on Axel Andersson. The 1st is nice, especially in such a deep draft. I just would have preferred a better prospect.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Wqrrior</b></div><div>The things this fanbase believed they could get for Kase greatly differ from what they actually got. Kase has long been this website's most overvalued player. I must say I'm surprised you are able to tolerate a trade that, if one of us posted here 6 months ago, would not have got positive attention.</div></div>

Meh... his value dropped throughout the season. If he'd scored at a similar clip to previous years, maybe he'd have been forgiven for his inability to stay healthy. Sadly, that didn't happen and his production has been poor. I guess you're right. I thought Kase could have returned a late 1st or 2 x 2nds. I think, when you take into consideration the retention on the Backes deal, I think he's probably been valued at around a 2nd round pick + Axel (former 2nd rounder, but his value has dropped for me) in this deal. So I was overvaluing him, but I wouldn't say it's to the level you seem to be suggesting.

In any event, he's gone now and I wish him all the best.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Salzy</b></div><div>Kase's value has diminished since the offseason, He has not proven that he can stay healthy and he has not proven that he can be a top 6 forward, he can have all the analytic support in the world, he hasn't actually proven what his potential is.

I love Kase as a player and I hope he reaches his potential but you are acting as if his value is unchanged from the offseason

Any sane Ducks fan know this is probably the best return possible currently and yes in the offseason most of us would scoff at this return but thats how volatile of a player Kase is</div></div>

Agreed. I wish the best for Kase, but didn't see him as part of the future. Too brittle. If he stays healthy, it's a steal for BOS. However, my view is that he'll never have a full season and that he's unlikely to reach his full potential. It's sad really.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Jah1722</b></div><div>You’re outline of the trade is off. It’s pretty clear that Kase alone was getting Axel and a 2nd. BOS improves the pick 31 spots for taking on $4.5M in cap (it’s actually only 3.425 in the minors) and even less in actual money.</div></div>

This is how I view it. BOS retained on Backes so he didn't cost a 1st to dump, which is exactly what BOS fans said the org didn't "need"/want to do. The Backes dump probably = 2nd. Then Kase for Axel + 2nd + 2nd (for Backes) = 1st + Axel. It's not how I valued Kase (late 1st or 2 x 2nd), but it's not miles off.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AFOX10900</b></div><div>Bc Faulk sucks lmao, and his contract is worse, I wouldn't give FC's for him at this point, this trade is by no means good, we needed one more significant piece imo, Axel+Backes=FC's, then first+Beecher/young bottom 6 player (Kuraly type)/second</div></div>

We really dodged a bullet on that deal. This is way better for us and for the future of this team.
Forum: Armchair-GM21 févr. 2020 à 9 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM20 févr. 2020 à 21 h 3
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bcarlo25</b></div><div>You’re going to be waiting for that source a long time. If you would fully read my posts, you would have seen that when you first asked, i said that it was a logical conclusion that i reached on my own. I tend to use logic. Try it some time. </div></div>

So you have no source and it's just something you "feel" will happen. Unfortunately, your feelings aren't evidence. That's a big L for you I guess.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bcarlo25</b></div><div>I did mention that Galchenyuk’s point per game total had declined every year since his 30 goal season. So, i did show the decline. You just don’t want to see it. You have an irrational love for Galchenyuk that is blocking logic and reason, so I’m done here. </div></div>

So stable goals per game = declining. Your logic is failing you! Funny how you value points more than goals when goals is what wins games. More awful logic on your part.

For the record, Chuky's P/GP went up after his 30 goal season from 0.68 to 0.72 (<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>). Maybe check his statistics before commenting next time. Another L for you.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bcarlo25</b></div><div>PS: Learn to spell, Galc is as nauseating as chucky. His name is <strong>galchenyuk,</strong> the number 2 is spelled, “two,” and there’s no “e,” in the world, “aging.”</div></div>

And that's a third L... you're out! Losers who can't admit their wrong always resort to pointing out spelling errors... so weak. Btw, Galchenyuk has a capital G at the front, just everyone else's name. Your spelling and grammar is way better than mine :sarcasm
Forum: Armchair-GM20 févr. 2020 à 20 h 24