

Membre depuis
22 juin 2016
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Oilers d'Edmonton
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Forum: Armchair-GM17 juill. 2017 à 22 h 57
Forum: Armchair-GM17 juill. 2017 à 21 h 42
Forum: Armchair-GM15 juill. 2017 à 18 h 56
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ess</b></div><div>RNH is a salary dump which severely limits trading partners and what you can get in return.

IMO he's not worth C. Sheary. The only thing RNH has going for him over Sheary is he's a center. Otherwise Sheary will produce more points for EDM or PIT. He's defensively responsible. Capable of playing up and down the roster, including with McDavid/Crosby. He's going to be cheaper. Has EXTENSIVE playoff experience and has won 2 cups.

RNH isn't a 3rd line center and doesn't have the tools of a 3rd line center. He's a talented offensive player who under achieves, is a bit weak, not physical, doesn't give up the body, and terrible at face offs through out his career. He's a former 1st over all pick ... which holds very little value at 24 outside of the team that drafted him and he has EXTREMELY limited playoff experience.

EDM should be happy to retain $1m and get no picks as Sheary is the more impact player in the deal. I still wouldn't do it because again RNH does not posses the skill set I believe it takes to be an actual 3rd line center and only hurts our salary cap because we have solid scoring through out. We lead the regular season AND the playoffs in Goals Per Game and Bonino didn't produce anywhere near what he had the previous playoff. However Bonino, Cullen, and Rowney all were very solid in the face off circle and play very strong defensive games and sacrifice their bodies constantly, weather it be blocking shots or hits.</div></div>

Forum: Armchair-GM11 juill. 2017 à 20 h 45