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23 mai 2023
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Hurricanes de la Caroline
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Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 16 h 27
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>dopplsan</b></div><div>I don't doubt Necas would be good; but, CBJ made the same mistake two years ago in swinging for Johnny (i.e. happy to have him, but we weren't ready for him), and we've heard the "he'd be great for Player X's development" schpiel from a lot of angles, and it hasn't really bore out in most instances. Frankly, the worse thing you can do as a GM is straddle - it's what Jarmo was guilty of doing for years (i.e. rebuilding while making a lot of ill-timed "win-now" moves).

Waddell did swing a 3rd for Kuzy, and that trade frankly didn't work out. Not sure what confidence is there to make him think third time is the charm, particularly since CAR now seems open to moving on from him already, he'd be going to a worse CBJ team, and it still doesn't address his underlying locker-room issues.

I'm not opposed to KK on the roster, but I really don't think he has the value a lot of CAR fans want to put on him. He really only has one OK season to his resume, and not sure what about him makes someone think that after six seasons in the NHL that he is going click, absent a big change in circumstances. A change-of-scenery can do that, but it's as much of a gamble as any.

And of course - not saying Laine isn't risk-averse; but, even if he didn't become The Guy (TM) that people imagined him to be at 2OA in 2015, he's still been highly productive. I think it requires more gymnastics to argue he'd be a dead-bust than it would to see him as a contributing player on a good team's T6, which every acquiring team will give him the opportunity to be. Even then, it's two seasons on the books, not six.</div></div>

Yeah the Johnny contract really kills Columbus chances in competing soon which stinks because it basically wastes Fantilli and the other young guys while they have cheap contract years. But with him and Jenner aging and plenty of other young, skilled players like Marchenko, Chinakhov, and Sillinger, maybe they make a push to try to play meaningful games late in the season which Necas will help more with.

Kuzy was solid with us and I think that double ot game against NYR goes differently if he wasn't mysteriously scratched for Comtois (my guess is he broke some team rule or something). He probably makes 0 sense for Columbus but he could also help them make a push to play meaningful games so the young guys can get some experience. Besides that, at his current cap hit and locker room issues his value is close to 0, just wanted to get him off the team in this instance and who better than Don Waddell to give us a favor :).

KK is a mystery for me. The guy makes some great plays in the neutral zone and entries just seems to have no idea what to do when he gets in dangerous areas. The risk Laine carries has nothing to do with his ability on the ice (besides lack of defensive play which the canes value) but his lack of ability to stay on the ice and having to eat whatever cap hit a team trades him for. You could say just put him on LTIR but then the guy you were banking on to be a top 6 player is out and there is a massive hole in the lineup, the same thing happened with the canes when they picked up Pacioretty.
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 16 h 13
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 13 h 19
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>dopplsan</b></div><div>What CertifiedAverage said; but also, KJ's ceiling is as high as Necas', but younger and cheaper. His timeline fits CBJ's much better, so I see no need for CBJ to make a trade for the guy right now.

Kuzy is overpaid, underperforming, and not a presence I want near a young rebuilding club. KK is overpaid, underperforming, but comes with a six-year commitment.

And, as a general rule, you shouldn't trash the player to justify a drop in value, and then slot him on your top-line. Regardless of the specifics of Laine's situation, CBJ know he's not some B6 nobody.

Even adding a first for potential retention, this trade needs work.

I imagine Donny W is looking at the KK contract a lot differently than he did two+ season ago.</div></div>

Appreciate the actual feedback. Necas however would instantly become the most dynamic winger for CBJ and would be very beneficial in Fantilli's develop. Waddell just paid a 3rd round pick for Kuzy with his value at the lowest and was a solid for the canes in the playoffs (different situations between CBJ and CAR obviously so I understand CBJ not needing him).

KK is interesting with his buyout clause. It would give CBJ a chance to basically try him out over the next 2 years to see if anything clicks while they aren't contending. If it works great for them, it not his cap penalty is miniscule.

Wasn't trashing Laine, just pointing out facts that even with retention this acquisition for the canes isn't risk averse.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 juin à 11 h 7
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bedsy_Burner</b></div><div>I agree with all of this. But they are still pawning all the risk off on another team, and although the U26 buyout is certainly more ideal than over 26, it is not nothing and can still easily complicate a cap situation and cause problems, especially considering the term. Simply put, it's a valid argument but is a bigger possible burden and risk than Caniac's are painting it as. Could definitely be worth while, though.</div></div>

You are right, roughly 1 million in dead cap for 12 years can cause complications, especially when trying to turn a team with a few young potential stars to a contender. I still think there is a world where KK can be a middle of the road 2c or solid 3c, there have been flashes but absolutely no consistency. He is still only 23 and give him 2 years with powerplay time and 2nd line minutes you will know what you have by the time he is 25. Ideally for the Hawks he would have turned himself into a steal of contract while also obtaining assets for him but with the cap rising significantly over the next couple years the $865,000 shouldn't be too much if he doesn't pan out. Whoever and if someone trades for KK will need to weigh the assets coming in for taking his contract on and the chance they think his contract lives up to expectation during their projected cup window. It is a very unique situation like tugspiedman mentioned since no current cup contender would take on his 4.8 but if a rebuilding team thinks he has a chance to live up to his contract in a couple years while also accumulating some draft picks it would be worth it.
I will always wonder what would've happened in the canes kept trocheck instead of giving KK that money.
Forum: Armchair-GM7 mai à 11 h 54
Forum: Armchair-GM7 mai à 10 h 47