

Membre depuis
10 janv. 2023
Équipe favorite
Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: Fauteuil - DGdim. à 8 h 46
Sujet: 2nd line
Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 21 h 46
Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 20 h 55
Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 18 h 31
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BigShoots</b></div><div>If you think just listing counting stats is a great representation of value then Ill just show you Boeser's 40 goals this yr compared to Marner's 26. In reality there is a lot more to consider when determining a player's value. One of the most important, and often overlooked on this site is the players cap hit. In this case Marner is an excellent player but he's a little overpaid. Dom's model will back up my assessment on that as well. Think of John Tavares, he's not a bad player but he happens to make way too much money so his trade value is probably basically nothing. Even though he's a good player.

And then when you think of what for instance someone like Zadorov did in the playoffs to enhance his value, Marner has kinda has done the opposite. Not at all saying it's doom and gloom and he's a total bum, there is a lot of room for nuance here but even most homer Toronto fans have a pretty healthy dose of concern surrounding Marner the player and the personality. He has bit of diva in him.

Marner's value in the real world is unquestionable? What is that value in a trade then? Cause if you think it's Boeser ++ type of thing I think Toronto would have already done that.

Marner in Dom's model is a +13 offense, +2 defense surplus value of contract -1.3 mil. Boeser is +10 offense, +2 defense, contract surplus value 2.1 mil. There is some data for you to chew on.</div></div>

Why not look at Don’s model over past 3 years; lots of players can have a fluky good year but hard to do so over 3 years. Sure you’ll find the gap between the two will be even larger.
Spare me innuendo about Marner’s attitude; none of us are in the room. I’m a Leafs fan and I have zero concern. The fact is the whole team underperforms in the playoffs , Matthews, Nylander, Tavares, Reilly, etc - unfair to pin it on one guy when team scores 12 goals in 7 games and goes 1/21 on PP.
Marner’s value is &gt;&gt; Boeser’s; SUCK on that you dumba$$
Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 15 h 30
Forum: Armchair-GMsam. à 2 h 38