

Membre depuis
16 mai 2024
Équipe favorite
Wild du Minnesota
Deuxième équipe favorite
Oilers d'Edmonton
Messages dans les forums
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Forum: Armchair-GM21 mai à 12 h 11
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals20 mai à 21 h 31
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Augustus</b></div><div>Not a bad concept overall, I just don't see the Kings moving Kempe for anything less than a significant haul, unless it is later in the season and Byfield and others take huge steps forward. Kempe is too important to LA's offence, and given his career trajectory thus far, should remain a near point per game guy this coming season, if not better. Even with an extension in place for Ullmark, I can't see them running with Fiala, Byfield, Moore and Laferriere as their top six on the wings. Sure, they could go out and sign a guy like Toffoli to come back, but nobody out there on the market compares to Kempe.

What could be interesting near or at the deadline, depending on the performances of LA's young forwards, Sorokin, Gustavsson and Wallstedt, if Wallstedt can show he's just too good for the minor league, is a deal seeing Kempe go to the Islanders for Sorokin (assuming a return to his form of the two years prior to 2023-24), with the Islanders following with a move to acquire Gustavsson from the Wild, allowing Fleury to tandem with the youngster Wallstedt from that point on, while the Isle's would have Gustavsson and Varlamov. What the Isle's could offer Minnesota for Gustavsson could be interesting.. No idea if the money could work at all, but something centered around Brock Nelson (+?) to Minny for Gustavsson and Rossi? That one depends on re-sign value of Nelson and how close Guerin thinks the Wild could be to contending once the monster cap hits of Suter and Parise are gone, as Nelson is already in his early 30s.</div></div>

Wild aren’t trading Rossi straight up for Nelson much less adding Gus! They aren’t trying to get older, nor add another expensive Contract