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Forum: Trade Machine Proposals18 juin à 8 h 27
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>mokumboi</b></div><div>Zherenko will be up the first sign of an injury. Might have been last season, but there was never any need. I'm now doubting the Devils deal #10 anyway.</div></div>

And he'd continue to be the #3, ready in case of injury. Probably more likely he'll be ready for 25-26 than next year.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AC14</b></div><div>If the Blues think they can move on from Binnington, I’d imagine they’d be confident Hofer could shoulder a full starters load. Factor in I’d imagine they’d want to see what they have in Zherenko as well and the quality of the second piece of the tandem isn’t a large need. I don’t think they’d be willing to bet that much on Hofer yet. After next season I’d imagine there would be a serious consideration.</div></div>

You do have a point. I don't think this deal actually happens; I'm just saying if it does, it's better for both the Blues and Devils if Allen's going to the Blues. NJ to dump the salary and clear the crease, as Daws can back up, and the Blues to have a buffer, so they're not rushing in Zherenko or whoever else before they're ready.

At this point, I wouldn't give Hofer 60 games. Can he handle that in 25-26? Maybe.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Trodden</b></div><div>Both teams decline. Also Clarke has so much potential with his shots he truly does have one of the best shots, arguably better then Jasper Bratt.</div></div>

Clarke has some talent, but he'll never be a superstar. He'll be a middle six winger at best, and the value proposition is not quite enough to be even. Leave him in the deal, but turn the other nobody into someone who at least has a shot of becoming an NHL player.

If Clarke's shot is so great, how come he's not an NHL regular yet, then?
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals18 juin à 1 h 1
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals18 juin à 0 h 44
Sujet: HhhOk
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals10 juin à 5 h 51
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals10 juin à 5 h 33
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals10 juin à 5 h 10