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30 mars 2018
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Forum: Armchair-GM6 févr. 2021 à 15 h 58
Forum: Armchair-GM6 févr. 2021 à 12 h 9
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. 2021 à 14 h 50
Forum: Armchair-GM19 janv. 2021 à 16 h 56
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>BeterChiarelli</b></div><div>Instead of just dishing out infractions and being robotic about keeping all users in check, I want to use this as a chance for all of us here to learn something from this and be better users for it. Sorry if being called out like this makes you feel weird, but I'm creeping up on a breaking point with how out of hand and ridiculous some of this has gotten. Please take my words into consideration.

Keeping each other blocked only works if the two of you mutually agree to not engage in third-party callouts. Using this thread as an example, <a href="/users/HatterTParty" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@HatterTParty</a> effectively serving as a moderator between you two so you guys can argue via proxy defeats that purpose.

<a href="/users/Ryminister_27" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@Ryminister_27</a>, more context in your original post in this thread probably prevents a lot of this current discord from happening: I see your post and its intention because I'm a neutral party but not everyone is going to approach that kind of post with my neutrality. Your post can be seen as inflammatory from a Hawks perspective, even if it's not immediately false. I don't think you handled most of this situation very well up until post #23 in this discussion either: some of your back and forth really only adds fuel to this fire, especially when you're questioning the maturity of other users. Not your place, all it does is get those users riled up.

<a href="/users/ChiHawk" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@ChiHawk</a> immediate callouts of other users as a troll will never diffuse the situation. Piggybacking on other users targeting (in this case) Ryminister because you can't directly flame him yourself is wholeheartedly unacceptable. How do posts such as "This guy is a massive Hawks troll" or "or last winning a cup in 66/67 (55 years ago) or reaching a conference finals since 01/02 (19 years ago) :laugh" improve the situation? Now that another user is requesting you stay off of their threads, I'd recommend you start focusing a lot more on how you're posting. Something you're doing is coming off as antagonistic, intentional or not. I don't need you to be all touchy-feely and overconsiderate of other users, but multiple instances of other users wanting you to frigg off is a telltale sign that something's not coming across right.

In all honesty, I'm tired of seeing your guys' names in our report forums. You guys have found every conceivable way this site has to piss the other off in spite of blocking each other. In spite of previous warnings and infractions, neither of you appears to be immediately willing to back out of this. Maybe it's pride, maybe you wholly believe it's all the other guys' fault. As far as the moderators are concerned, you've both been massive jackasses. The only way this gets better is if the two of you just learn to leave the other be. I won't speak for the other moderators, but I'm personally at the point where I'll ban one of you two (or both of you) the next time you guys cross the line. It's juvenile that the two of you have gone out of your way to manage to argue with each other despite having blocked each other.

This place is better off with tenured users like yourselves: despite the differences in opinions and that both of you think the other is a massive troll, both of you are valued users. The two of you combined have nearly 20,000 posts; you guys drive conversation and the development of good ideas when you set your minds to it. CapFriendly loses more than it gains if one or both of you end up banned because of this immature back-and-forth. Make it work before I or any of the other moderators need to make a hard decision.

<a href="/users/exo2769" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@exo2769</a> and <a href="/users/BigOaf69" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@BigOaf69</a>, neither of you two are without fault in this scenario either but I want to let you guys off with a very informal warning. Coming to the defense of your team's honour by way of "but what about the Leafs?!?!?" and similar snark is just about one of the most childish things you can do on these boards. All it does is piss people off and derail a conversation. I don't know how much of your opinions on the matter were swayed by ChiHawk calling Ryminister out as a troll, but you guys cannot be doing that. I know a lot of users do it, and I know bagging on the Leafs is a good time, but neither of those justifies it in the context of on-topic discussion. We're cracking down on it because of how much trolling and flaming comes out of it.

Can everyone just be better next time? None of this needed to happen.</div></div>

I appreciate the insights. I apologize sincerely for the parts I played in continuing the arguing and ranting. Seeing as I started this thread, I certainly shoulder a great deal of the blame and rightfully so. I respect your views on our disagreements and I will take your criticisms into account moving forward. Agains, I sincerely apologize the part I’ve played in this situation.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 janv. 2021 à 16 h 39
Instead of just dishing out infractions and being robotic about keeping all users in check, I want to use this as a chance for all of us here to learn something from this and be better users for it. Sorry if being called out like this makes you feel weird, but I'm creeping up on a breaking point with how out of hand and ridiculous some of this has gotten. Please take my words into consideration.

Keeping each other blocked only works if the two of you mutually agree to not engage in third-party callouts. Using this thread as an example, <a href="/users/HatterTParty" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@HatterTParty</a> effectively serving as a moderator between you two so you guys can argue via proxy defeats that purpose.

<a href="/users/Ryminister_27" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@Ryminister_27</a>, more context in your original post in this thread probably prevents a lot of this current discord from happening: I see your post and its intention because I'm a neutral party but not everyone is going to approach that kind of post with my neutrality. Your post can be seen as inflammatory from a Hawks perspective, even if it's not immediately false. I don't think you handled most of this situation very well up until post #23 in this discussion either: some of your back and forth really only adds fuel to this fire, especially when you're questioning the maturity of other users. Not your place, all it does is get those users riled up.

<a href="/users/ChiHawk" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@ChiHawk</a> immediate callouts of other users as a troll will never diffuse the situation. Piggybacking on other users targeting (in this case) Ryminister because you can't directly flame him yourself is wholeheartedly unacceptable. How do posts such as "This guy is a massive Hawks troll" or "or last winning a cup in 66/67 (55 years ago) or reaching a conference finals since 01/02 (19 years ago) :laugh" improve the situation? Now that another user is requesting you stay off of their threads, I'd recommend you start focusing a lot more on how you're posting. Something you're doing is coming off as antagonistic, intentional or not. I don't need you to be all touchy-feely and overconsiderate of other users, but multiple instances of other users wanting you to frigg off is a telltale sign that something's not coming across right.

In all honesty, I'm tired of seeing your guys' names in our report forums. You guys have found every conceivable way this site has to piss the other off in spite of blocking each other. In spite of previous warnings and infractions, neither of you appears to be immediately willing to back out of this. Maybe it's pride, maybe you wholly believe it's all the other guys' fault. As far as the moderators are concerned, you've both been massive jackasses. The only way this gets better is if the two of you just learn to leave the other be. I won't speak for the other moderators, but I'm personally at the point where I'll ban one of you two (or both of you) the next time you guys cross the line. It's juvenile that the two of you have gone out of your way to manage to argue with each other despite having blocked each other.

This place is better off with tenured users like yourselves: despite the differences in opinions and that both of you think the other is a massive troll, both of you are valued users. The two of you combined have nearly 20,000 posts; you guys drive conversation and the development of good ideas when you set your minds to it. CapFriendly loses more than it gains if one or both of you end up banned because of this immature back-and-forth. Make it work before I or any of the other moderators need to make a hard decision.

<a href="/users/exo2769" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@exo2769</a> and <a href="/users/BigOaf69" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@BigOaf69</a>, neither of you two are without fault in this scenario either but I want to let you guys off with a very informal warning. Coming to the defense of your team's honour by way of "but what about the Leafs?!?!?" and similar snark is just about one of the most childish things you can do on these boards. All it does is piss people off and derail a conversation. I don't know how much of your opinions on the matter were swayed by ChiHawk calling Ryminister out as a troll, but you guys cannot be doing that. I know a lot of users do it, and I know bagging on the Leafs is a good time, but neither of those justifies it in the context of on-topic discussion. We're cracking down on it because of how much trolling and flaming comes out of it.

Can everyone just be better next time? None of this needed to happen.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 janv. 2021 à 16 h 4
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ryminister_27</b></div><div>I appreciate the post to try to clear things up a bit. My original comment wasn't meant to be harsh. It was an opinion and factual statement that rebuilds take a long time when you don't have a good roster, good prospects, or a good management team (take it from a Leaf fan, we know the pain lol). I can't control how someone interprets a comment, they're gonna read it and believe it was meant to be read a certain way when they have no idea on the tone. As I can see now, we both have the same issues with ChiHawk. That was the point I was getting at. That user interprets my comment because they've already judged me based on my interaction with them before, not how the comment was actually wrote. You can see why I've had them blocked for a long time now. I also find it funny how they say I've been blocked by them and admins have been involved in my behaviour (that part isn't true), but if they had me blocked I don't see why they constantly have to mention that they think I'm a troll. Should just grow up and leave it be. Mature a little.

But to my original post, the Hawks have severely damaged their future. Sure winning 3 cups after 50 years of not winning felt great, but Stan Bowman screwed this teams future. Those cups were all the work of Dale Tallon and Bowman ruined it. They mismanaged draft picks and didn't look at retooling before, the Red Wings were a perfect example of competing but still drafting great and not mis-using prospects. Some people may try to point out that they drafted late because aid workers winning, it what they don't see is look at the success of the guys they picked. Since 2010 I believe it is, they have 2 guys that they picked in the 1st round on their roster. And they've traded multiple guys that they drafted away that turned out good. Teravainen, Danault, Hartman, etc are examples of that. Plus Kevin Hayes walked away for nothing. All of this prolongs a rebuild. Which is what I meant by the original thought.

I apologize for the rest of the unnecessary comments after, it should have went like that but some kids just don't know how to grow up.


Thanks for words and insight brother. Personally, I have nothing bad to go off of with you and your opinions are always welcome here. As for ChiHawk, his opinion is absolutely valued and can always be voiced. However, given our exchanges, it’s simply best that him and I stay apart in discourse. There’s no need to slander others in the course discussing hockey. So again, I appreciate your words and I welcome future discussions.

It’s hard to disagree with what you said regarding the hawks either. I’m a huge fan of dale Tallon and couldn’t believe he was fired for a simple mistake while bowman continues to make mistake after mistake. They’ve a had rough time for ten years even growing the odd late round pick, save for Shaw, and that magic has obviously run out. It’s pretty brutal. I will take the 3 cups, but it once felt like the team could have made a decent transition between eras at one time. Not any more.

Be well.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 janv. 2021 à 14 h 41