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25 mai 2018
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Canucks de Vancouver
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Capitals de Washington
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Forum: Armchair-GM31 janv. 2019 à 14 h 14
Forum: Armchair-GM31 janv. 2019 à 10 h 20
Forum: Armchair-GM30 janv. 2019 à 13 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM30 janv. 2019 à 13 h 49
Forum: Armchair-GM30 janv. 2019 à 10 h 13
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NucksFanForLife</b></div><div>How is Zaitsev better than Stetcher? The only numbers that Zaitsev can top Stetcher in are blocked shots, hits, and dZs%. Stetcher has better CF%, CF Rel, FF%, FF Rel, oiSH%, oiSV%, PDO, TK, GV, Thru%, GF/60, GA/60, and Pts/60. All in only 1:30 fewer ES TOI. Zaitsev only really plays more because he kills a ton of penalties, but is the worst Leaf at it. Stetcher has been impressive when given a chance to kill penalties, his unit scoring twice as many goals as the opposing power play. He's also played 22+ minutes of ice time when needed and has excelled in that position, so he can play more than he's being given now. I know I'm a Canucks fan, but honestly I'd like to know why you think Zaitsev is better. Also, Stetcher has a better contract by far.</div></div>

He is the most responsible defenceman in his own end on the Leafs roster, I do think Gardiner is a terrible partner for him but that is a different issue. When Dermott and Zaitsev are together, they have extremely good Corsi numbers, mainly because Dermott and Zaitsev together do a lot more skating with the puck. With Gardiner, Jake just sends the puck up ice and often causes turnovers that result in Zaitsev breaking up odd man rushes.

I am not at all saying Zaitsev is a star, he's a middle pair defenceman. Stecher is a health scratch on a good team.

Also, I'd wager if you did the digging, you'd find that the difficulty in competition is much harder for Zaitsev than Stetcher.
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. 2019 à 22 h 32
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. 2019 à 9 h 38
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. 2019 à 8 h 49
Forum: Armchair-GM28 janv. 2019 à 0 h 45
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NucksFanForLife</b></div><div><a href="/users/DirtyDangles" target="_blank">@DirtyDangles</a> <a href="/users/ExpiredmilkYT" target="_blank">@ExpiredmilkYT</a> <a href="/users/Flyers2000" target="_blank">@Flyers2000</a> <a href="/users/Phil2893" target="_blank">@Phil2893</a> <a href="/users/phillyflu" target="_blank">@phillyflu</a>

Van Riemsdyk, Laughton, Voracek, Lehtera, Raffl, Weise, Simmonds, MacDonald, Folin, Gudas, a LHD, and all the pending UFA goalies won't have jobs within 2-3 years. Most can be sold at the deadline with retained salary this year and next, but as incredibly deep as this prospect pool is, there seems to be a shortage in RWs. What are your thoughts on trading a LW prospect (you are loaded on that side) and a pending 1-2 year UFA for a RW? A guy like Kapanen immediately comes to mind, but I'm sure there's others around the league. If you guys won the second lottery and got Kakko you'd be more than set for the future - the depth of this team never stops amazing me.</div></div>

I’ve been saying it for a while, we need to move quantity for quality. No more making all our draft picks, try and trade up to take the best player we can. Get assets for expiring contracts and use those assets along with guys who shouldn’t be part of future plans to get more quality. We don’t need bottom 6 forwards or bottom pairing d-men cause we have a bunch of guys that will become that. We need guys that have a shot, even if it’s slim, to be great
Forum: Armchair-GM27 janv. 2019 à 22 h 11
Forum: Armchair-GM26 janv. 2019 à 21 h 51
Forum: Armchair-GM26 janv. 2019 à 19 h 5
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>ItsBlowTime</b></div><div>Ooooookay, hold on there <a href="/users/NucksFanForLife" target="_blank">@NucksFanForLife</a> , Motte is my BOY! I think he has a real chance to become a high end checking line/PK type of guy,, the ones that make a big impact on Stanley Cup runs! So lets cool the jets on trading him just yet :P

As for the trade at hand, <a href="/users/Eli" target="_blank">@Eli</a> The Canucks scream yes before WSH changes their mind. Gagner is loaned to the Marlies in the AHL, Goldobin is as good as gone already, the coach has no trust in him. This is a huge win for the Nucks imo.</div></div>

Awesome. I think if Gagner works out, and stops Kuznetsov from getting any worse than 39% at faceoffs, this trade could help revive both Gagner's career and the Caps' season. The value is weak, from Washington's side, but I'm just happy we all agree on something that includes more than just Goldobin.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NucksFanForLife</b></div><div>I agree, but we shouldn't pay for Motte, Roussel, Beagle, Sutter, and Granlund. We have an overload of those guys. Sutter should be gone as well as one other. You would rather trade Granlund?</div></div>

Makes sense. I think with MacLellan hinting that he wants someone similar in age to the player he wants to trade, he'd probably want Motte out of those. Not sure what it would cost.

If age weren't a factor, he would have cap space above for 50% retained Alzner, who could probably still help in some situations, but he says it is, and I applaud that. So I'm curious what it'll cost to pry hopefully a Faksa or a Motte away from teams that clearly know they're pretty good.

Burakovsky is 8th in his draft class in regular season goals, 2nd in power play goals. But he's had an awful year, and his value is at an all time low. Even after taking back Sam Gagner, I think the Caps have to add probably a B+ prospect like Nate Walker (got a point in the playoffs.... really quick skater... Austrailian), and a 3rd pick? I could also see them targeting Motte or Stecher, instead, but I imagine they might cost more.