

Formerly Los Patos
Membre depuis
13 déc. 2019
Équipe favorite
Ducks d'Anaheim
Deuxième équipe favorite
Avalanche du Colorado
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Forum: Armchair-GM27 mai à 16 h 13
Here's the problem, OP.

Draft picks, and prospects for that matter, carry risks. Some can't elevate their game to the NHL level, some aren't durable enough for the NHL, some even stall out before they get to the AHL level. Both the prospects offered in this deal are not good pieces. They are skilled, but undersized, they will require sheltered minutes in bottom 6/pairing roles, and on top of that, you're offering them to a team that has several better options at those positions than those pieces offered. If you were offering this package to a team devoid of depth in their pipeline, those pieces might mean something, to Anaheim, they are worth less than the contract spot they tie up. They do not add any value to the Ducks. You also offer 9OA, where Zegras was taken, in a star studded draft, which this is not. Yes, there are good players taken from 8-10 every year. Bo Horvat, Dougie Hamilton, etc. there are also busts taken in that range. Tyson Jost, Alex Nylander, Adam Boqvist, Derek Pouloit, etc.

Zegras is already a proven NHL top 6 forward that can play C or LW, he's barely 23 years old, and has his RFA rights intact at the conclusion of his current deal, which is a reasonable one for him to grow into.

So, under the auspicious of trades needing to work for both teams, Anaheim is giving up a known top 6 forward with plenty of upside left, and we're getting back the pick we used to select him, but in a much weaker draft, and a couple of meh prospects that don't fit the mold of Ducks hockey, nor fill needs on the team. The odds of which team wins this deal are heavily stacked in Montreals favor. You offer nothing meaningful outside the pick. This is why we say we're not moving Zegras unless it's for an impact piece as the main part of the deal.

Reinbacher and MTLs 25 2nd (Gauthier trade comp)


Select one of the two offers.above and you might have a deal, anything less, Zegras stays in California.