

Hockey Addict
Membre depuis
16 juin 2023
Équipe favorite
Penguins de Pittsburgh
Deuxième équipe favorite
Oilers d'Edmonton
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Forum: Armchair-GM5 juin à 16 h 47
Forum: Armchair-GM1 juin à 20 h 33
Forum: Armchair-GM1 juin à 13 h 18
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>fredmo</b></div><div>I understand your thinkhing, however, the first line of RNH-97-Hyman is elite and the top pairing of Eki-Bouch is one of the best in the NHL. You don't just give that up.
I am with you on Ceci not being a pure cap dump. Seeing the alternatives and their potential AAv, I am reaching the point of thinking that keeping Ceci is a valid option. Same goes for Kulak.
I don't think that Lavoie will pay out and instead of Rodrigue I'd prefer a veteran backup goalie. Pickard-Skinner seem to work just fine.
McLeod should be turned into an two-way winger, I am with you on that. Who knows maybe Holloway can take a swing at being 3rd line C. But currently he is a good, fast winger.
That's also why I don't like Bert too much, because Kane should bring what Bertuzzi brings and the Oil is missing a definitive 3LC.</div></div>

I would definitely be going back to RNH-MCDAVID-HYMAN post TDL. This is opening night... they need to see what these prospects have b4 letting them hit the waiver wire, especially Rodrigue. He's been developing on a very similar level as Skinner. Hoping EDM wins a cup I assume Skinner would be leaned on as the veteran and no doubt #1, I believe that would make Rodrigue worth exploring. There are teams out there who would be willing to take a shot on him and claim.
I agree that Lavoie doesn't look promising yet but again worth testing the waters on an opening night roster with veteran players. Again, this is about creating opportunities for prospects to showcase whether or not they belong. If they struggle then waive them, trade them, etc. Best case they excel and the Oilers end up with bargain contracts they need for 29/97/2 extensions.
Forum: Armchair-GM31 mai à 20 h 3