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1 déc. 2017
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Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Predators de Nashville
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Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2021 à 17 h 59
Sujet: Cup run
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DJSums17</b></div><div>Ellis is a player I've liked for years so that might be biased over Forsberg but not Ekholm. I like both of them but Ellis gets the edge imo.

Lilegren is touted to be in the same ranking as Sandin and Robertson and in some eyes so is Amirov so there's your 2 top tier prospects and I've added a guaranteed 1st and a conditional 1st and a 2nd in next year's draft which GMs will have a better idea of what will be in it cause players will be playing and scouted. Plus a bunch of middle of the pack prospects. I'm still not sure what the issue is. I gave quality and quantity. I'd only trade Sandin if the Leafs resign Rielly. I don't see Leafs trading Robertson unless they are getting a young forward or defence back with more term then 2 years.</div></div>

Amirov and Liljegren are a tier below Sandin and Robertson in my mind, but Sandin and Robertson aren't guys I'm salivating for anyway - they're just the best prospects TOR has to offer. If NSH were to trade all three of the players here, I think they'd do a lot better trading them to multiple teams. Even if a buyer had all of the appropriate higher end picks and prospects to acquire all three assets in one swoop, I can't think of anyone who'd mortgage that much of their future just for the next year or two.

The best pieces in the return here just aren't good enough for NSH, given how much they're giving up and the significant salary retention you're asking for. The amount of mid-levelish prospects and role players added in doesn't really make a difference, if the pieces NSH would want aren't there in the first place.
Forum: Armchair-GM21 mars 2021 à 5 h 35
Sujet: all in
Forum: Armchair-GM5 févr. 2021 à 15 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM24 déc. 2020 à 17 h 6
Sujet: Hot Dog
Forum: Armchair-GM10 déc. 2020 à 18 h 52
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DJSums17</b></div><div>They didn't just rush Sandin - they put him in a position in which he was guaranteed to fail, to lose confidence, and when they had the chance to dramatically improve that situation (signing Bogo) they refused to do so. Unlike last offseason when Sandin was one of the first players training in Toronto long before camp started (as is the case with Robertson this off-season), he has stayed in Sweden. He knows that he and Lilly have been completely buried on the depth chart. It tells me a lot about how badly the Leafs have completely ****ed up his development (something that was easy to see coming, but which rose-coloured glasses fans refused to see) and what he thinks about his chances of making this team and his future with the team (or lack of a future as far as I am concerned).</div></div>

If the team was only thinking about winning now they would've picked up Bogo at the deadline and play Sandin regularly. Yes 2013 was inexperienced yet a team that is like half of the age of the 2013 team. But sure. I thought we'd beat CBJ not crush them. And if you don't think it wasn't great goaltending I'm done. Leafs had a team shooting% of like 2 over the series. That's hilarious.[/quote]

Wow man. I would just probably stop or have stopped a long time ago <a href="/users/DJSums17" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@DJSums17</a>, <a href="/users/Miles_Togo" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@Miles_Togo</a> seems to be winning this argument. He’s been replying to each comment one by one and been picking them apart with examples, stats, proof and logic. You seem to be fighting a losing battle. Jump off the ship!![/quote]

Because you say more doesn't mean their points are right. There's no point in arguing with someone that won't see the other side. I'm not into talking to walls thanks.[/quote]

Lol. I think he was doing a good job of address each point or counter point!! But ya, it’s hard to even argue on Thai site.

If I write something that lomg. I can tell the other person didn’t even read the whole thing. I read everyones whole post if they tag me in it. But half the time, I’m just like I’m not writing this and arguing if I don’t feel like u are reading everything I write. I try to make them short. But if they come out longer. Like I said, I can tell, 75% of the people u are debating with, won’t read the whole thing. And I do, I read it all b4 I respond.[/quote]

Don't get me wrong I read all the points and some are right. Most are probably right. But arguin the same point for everything I say is not impressive. Sandin is better then Marincin. Playing him isnt stunting his growth. IF putting a player in a bad situation mattered to development... it really hurt McDavid... it really hurt Rielly... it really hurt Brady Tkachuck... it really hurt Carter Hart... it really hurt Chabot... the list goes on.

Not getting Bogo at the deadline was 100% the right move. You bring him in and the team looks at it like being rewarded for bad play it could've easily gone worse. Bogo isn't helping the offensive side of the puck. He wouldn't of made a difference.

As for shooting% I didn't specify when they had it. It wasn't overy 5v5 it was over the entire series. But even if it was 5% that's not that much better either. Also taking 1 example over 5 game series is just nitpicking. I'm sure there's others like it because it's hockey and that's how the game is played. Like I said if you watch that series now and say it wasn't majority the goalies I don't think we're watching the same games.

I'm done though. Like I said no point in arguing this now.[/quote]

Yep, I agree. U know it wasn’t me that u were arguing with though, right??