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24 mai 2017
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Oilers d'Edmonton
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Panthers de la Floride
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Forum: Armchair-GM29 mars 2021 à 14 h 21
Sujet: 2022-23
Forum: Armchair-GM27 mars 2021 à 22 h 45
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>pharrow</b></div><div>They don't really need that much defensive help. Their real issue is winning on the dot. There is only so much McDavid can do, and he's getting the easier matchups there.
They got blown away on the dot by TOR and it showed.
If EDM could win more on the dot they'd be a much harder team to play. I do have to give McDavid some credit here. He's starting to understand that. He's starting to become a much more rounded player.
Part of their problem is the weaker division. It's easy to win faceoffs against other younger centers who aren't good at them either. But when they hit a team like TOR who has people who can win on the dot, they go 33% on the dot and they lose.
They got to do better.</div></div>

Yea I agree absolutely. Bob Stauffer on the radio broadcast was gonna lose it if we gave up another crucial d-zone draw. Faceoffs don't make it or break it but it makes things much trickier than they need to be

It's easy to be reactionary after that loss, but I honestly think we could use some defensive help. Our top 4 LD is a huge weakness, and we could absolutely use a middle 6 forward with a defensive conscious over a scoring winger. We rank 2nd in the league in goal scoring. The only thing left to do is bolster defensive capability throughout the lineup. A 4th line that can win draws and PK very well, a 3rd line that can do well enough in the faceoff circle and not get hemmed in their zone for extended periods of time, likely driven by a capable 3C
Forum: Armchair-GM26 mars 2021 à 21 h 35
Forum: Armchair-GM25 mars 2021 à 16 h 34
Forum: Site Discussion25 mars 2021 à 13 h 29
Would anyone else like this feature? I figure this would be very difficult to add but I'll share the idea anyway

When I want to make an ACGM for the next 2 seasons (a 2021-22 part, and a 2022-23 part), it takes a lot of additional effort. For example, as an Oilers fan, I sign RNH to a 6 year deal on the 2021-22 post, and then have to sign him to the same deal at 5 seasons on the 2022-23 post. So on the 2022-23 post, I have to resign all the guys I signed in the 2021-22 post a 2nd time with one less year on their deal, and sign all of the guys I want to keep who expired in 2022-23. Some people like to layout a hypothetical plan for multiple seasons, and a feature that lets you do that easier would be helpful

This is how I see this feature working. Say I wanted to do an ACGM for this season, until the 2022-23 season. Maybe I do a few deadline moves during the 2020-21 season. When I'm done with the current season, I can click a button that says "Next Season" or something like that. Everyone's contracts would lose 1 year as we move to the next season. I would resign, trade, create that season's lines, and once again click the "Next Season" button, and the cycle can repeat. You could go back and forth between seasons to change parts of the plan, each season having it's own page. For people viewing the post, there could be a section for each season, with trades, lines, cap breakdown, etc.. from each individual year, to clearly show what happened in each season (trades, signings, etc..) The comment section would be under the single post containing multiple seasons so people can discuss the multi-year plan in once place
Forum: Armchair-GM23 mars 2021 à 19 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM23 mars 2021 à 17 h 16