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Forum: Armchair-GM23 mars 2021 à 15 h 1
Yea the Neal on LTIR scenario is pretty unrealistic but it's fun to consider the possibilities. I don't wish injury upon him but he's been mysteriously "unfit to play" at times this season. Possibly Covid after-effects so you never know. I might be reaching, maybe he's just out of shape lol

Hall contract makes sense imo. I've seen people say he wouldn't go for a 1 year deal at $6.5 but I can't see him getting many bigger offers. He could inflate his stats with McD and get 1 last big deal with money and term, somewhere else. Unless he likes the fit here and takes a team-friendly deal. When his deal ends we can be certain there's money left for Bear, Nurse and Pulju raises, then reassess the 1st line LW situation, maybe Holloway fits there, or another cheap "show me" contract. I'd understand if Holland passed because of his history in Edmonton though. Iaffolo could be a backup option, I'm sure he'd like to pump up his stats for cheap with McDavid

3rd line looks solid. Replacing Kassian with Granlund could work out well. A 2 year deal could work for Granlund imo, and he could be replaced by Lavoie or another prospect. I'd be somewhat concerned that Zajac takes a steep decline at 36 and we're left scrambling to fill the 3C spot with a 4th liner, yet again. Zajac does have a good FO% and seems to be a solid defensive player, so in theory, he would be a great addition but there's a bit of risk. I'm starting to prefer a 3C with 2 years of term so we can keep the same group of guys together for longer, and pass that role to McLeod or Holloway when they're 100% ready

Larsson deal times well with either Kemp, Kesselring or another prospect getting a chance to fill that spot. Grubauer contract times well with Skinner/Konovalov taking the starter role, with Cossa as backup (I also think we'll take Cossa if he's available when we pick + if we keep our pick. Top tier goalie prospect from Edmonton, makes a lot of sense). If we manage to get Coleman on the 4th line I'd be extremely happy. Would definitely lower the defensive responsibilities of our top guys, and create some more depth scoring

I'd like Martinez in the top 4 over Jones if we manage to make the money work. Maybe if Yamo takes a bridge we could afford it. I think he'd supply good veteran leadership and be a good mentor for Bouch on a 1-year deal. Broberg would take his job the following season. Plays well in his own end and chips in some offence. He can still lead by example. He's won cups, could be helpful in the playoffs

Overall I'd be very happy if things played out like this
Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2021 à 19 h 12
Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2021 à 16 h 43
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>CD282</b></div><div>Danault is excellent defensively, don't get me wrong. I would like him in an Oilers uniform for that reason, I think this team just needs a shutdown line to free up McDavid and Draisaitl from those duties at 5v5. But don't expect Danault to bring any offense with him though, as Gallagher and Tatar drive the offense on that line. Like this:

Past 2.5 years at 5v5
with BG + TT: 78.87 CF/60
w/o BG + TT: 52.32

with BG + TT: 41.64 SF/60
w/o BG + TT: 29.52

with BG + TT: 3.68 GF/60
w/o BG + TT: 2.06

with BG + TT: 3.23 xGF/60
w/o BG + TT: 2.03

with BG + TT: 16.35 HDCF/60
w/o BG + TT: 10.28

Again, I'd like to see Danault anchor a shutdown line in Edmonton. I'd just be leery of signing him for that much money as he's unlikely to cover that contract just due to lack of offense.</div></div>

Fair enough, all of your points are valid. I was probably a bit off saying he isn't carried by his linemates lol. He does have the best +/- on Montreal though, which tells you something. I do think that he would really shine in a shutdown 3C role as you mentioned. What we need in a 3C is: solid faceoff skill, defensive capability, 30-40 points in an 82 game schedule, PK ability, and possibly someone who can drive a 2nd PP. IMO if we don't find a guy like that we're really missing an opportunity to give McD and Drai lighter minutes and possibly more offensive opportunities. Danault is the only UFA who fits the bill imo. Maybe's: Haula, Wennberg, Granlund, Lowry, Bonino. Who do you think would be the best fit. I don't think we are ready to rely on a prospect for that role yet

I don't have any analytics to back this up but I think it's also fair to assume Danault does pretty well offensively on the 3rd line. In MTL the opponent likely matches their best defensive line against Danault's. With EDM the other team would match their 3rd best line against his. Seems like something that would benefit his offence? I know $5.25mill is a lot but I think what he brings is extremely important and you have to consider that there are very few options. Better than taking a cheap, low risk flyer on another underperforming guy like Turris and having a mediocre 3C. It's pretty safe to assume we at least know what we're getting with Danault, even if we pay a premium

Another note: his 2 year deal makes sense for him so he can get a big pay day somewhere else if he plays well when his deal ends and the cap starts to rise. It makes sense for us because Holloway/McLeod will be ready for his job after 2 years, and we'll have money to extend them. It also times well with Bouch and Broberg needing bridge deals. It's a good way to spend the money we have available without getting even more top heavy. If you have a better idea for 3C though, I could be convinced
Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2021 à 14 h 51
Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2021 à 14 h 48
Forum: Armchair-GM22 mars 2021 à 14 h 6
Forum: Armchair-GM21 mars 2021 à 13 h 8
Forum: Armchair-GM19 mars 2021 à 17 h 46
Forum: Armchair-GM19 mars 2021 à 15 h 54
Forum: Armchair-GM18 mars 2021 à 18 h 30
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Timmah007</b></div><div>I get people like bear so do I but we can’t just brush off the fact that Barrie is without a shadow of a doubt significantly better in just about every aspect. Nearly point per game in the exact same role bear had last year. Home grown talent creates a biased view point.</div></div>

I rarely advocate for advanced stats but Barrie's are awful. McDavid plays worse with him on the ice 5v5. Bear makes us a much better team than Barrie 5v5. Barrie's points will earn him a $5mill+ contract but between his bad 5v5 impact and the fact that he will take PP minutes away from Bouch I'm against an extension. A big extension would hurt our future. I love what he's doing this season although I wouldn't mind seeing him play less 5v5. I think people are way too critical of him though. To be clear I like what he's brought to the team, Bouch isn't ready for his role this season

This tweet has a graphic of Bear vs Barrie's 5v5 impact. It's a bit confusing if you don't know the terminology but blue means better offensive production, red means worse

Once Bear cleans up some of his mistakes I think more people will realize his impact

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Tyson Barrie vs. Ethan Bear <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a></p>— ً🅺🅾🆂🅺🅸🅳🅰🅳🅳🆈 (@fakenewsshater) <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">March 18, 2021</a></blockquote>
Forum: Armchair-GM17 mars 2021 à 15 h 7
Forum: Armchair-GM17 mars 2021 à 14 h 12
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DONTGIVEAPUCK13</b></div><div>What about Lagesson? My Protected List is: Connor, Leon, Nuge, JP, Yamo, Kahun, Jujhar Bear, Nurse , Kelf/Larsson? idk if Holland resigns guys before the draft</div></div>
Here's how I'd do it

Assuming we: trade Jones, waive/trade Stalock, Klefbom is out for good or ruled ineligible for expansion: Protect 7/3/1: Nuge, Leon, McD, Pulju, Yamo, Jujhar, Archibald, Nurse, Bear, Lagesson, Skinner.

Available (under contract): Neal, Kassian, K. Russell, Turris

RFA rights available: Benson, Marody, Kahun

Pending UFA's: Larsson, Nuge, Barrie, Ennis, Chiassion

I assume all of our pending UFA's either want to test free agency before deciding on a contract, or extend with us. Benson, Kahun and Marody's RFA rights are essentially worthless, they are basically UFA's as well. Last summer Buffalo didn't even match the Oilers 975k offer on Kahun, and he's been worse this year. My guess is one of the guys under contract gets taken, probably Turris? Maybe they work out a deal to take Neal because we have nothing good to give them

If Klefbom returns (which is unlikely because it sounds like he's getting a shoulder replacement from what I've heard), we should resign Nuge after expansion and this plan essentially stays the same with the exception that Kharia is made available. If he wants to stay an Oiler he just tells Seattle he won't sign there. His RFA rights aren't worth anything either. I assume he wants to stay an Oiler so it doesn't effect anything
Forum: Armchair-GM17 mars 2021 à 12 h 56
Forum: Armchair-GM17 mars 2021 à 1 h 9