

I post sometimes
Membre depuis
21 juill. 2017
Équipe favorite
Canadiens de Montréal
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Forum: Armchair-GM25 mars à 11 h 21
Forum: Fauteuil - DG25 mars à 11 h 13
Sujet: Necas
Forum: Armchair-GM25 mars à 11 h 11
Forum: Fauteuil - DG25 mars à 11 h 3
Sujet: Necas
Forum: Fauteuil - DG22 mars à 10 h 58
Forum: Armchair-GM15 mars à 10 h 3
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Ryminister_92</b></div><div>Just because Matheson is a top pair guy on a ****ty Montreal team, doesn’t mean he is on a contending team. I don’t see why Montreal fans can’t comprehend that.
He wouldn’t play over Brodin. 0% chance of that. He likely wouldn’t play over Middleton, maybe a 5-10% chance he would. So that leaves him on the third pair. He’s not as good as Montreal fans are saying. Sure you could get a 1st for him, the market is crazy and sometimes teams get desperate and every GM has their reason to move a pick if they want. But saying he’s a top pair guy is just egregious. Couldn’t be further from the truth.</div></div>

You are in bad faith buddy, It's no use to have a discussion with you.

While Brodin/Middelton v. Matheson in the top 4 is debatable - depending if you want more of a defensive-minded D paired on the first pair. Matheson is a LHD PMD which is excellent in transition and at creating offense - MN does not have that on the LHD, which gives him the edge in certain systems (which I think MN would utilize).

His defending is actually decent... he just gets a "stroke" from time to time and tries to do to much (happens when you play 28min a night). Like, he's a good mobile D, but he's not Makar, and I think he forgets that sometimes.

In terms of value he's a guaranteed first round pick. Hell! SAVARD is propably worth a first, Brodin too.

Even in the worst of case where a coach doesn't want to break the top 4, A Dcore of :

Brodin - Faber
Middleton - Spurgeon
Matheson - Bogo/Merrill


Matheson - Faber
Brodin - Spurgeon
Middleton - Bogo/Merrill


Brodin - Faber
Matheson- Spurgeon
Middleton - Bogo/Merrill

would be EXTREMELY GOOD, I'm more the type to have a third pair of purely defensive Dmen (Middleton - Bogo/Merrill), leaving Matheson in the top 4... but you have a very diverse and mobile top 4 that could crush any opposition with MN's cycle game where Matheson can effectively pich and back check.
Forum: Armchair-GM13 mars à 17 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GM13 mars à 14 h 14
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Billy316</b></div><div>31 goals 55 point in 57 games after just 11 goals in his first 30 games and he is still heating up maybe a bit too much
Leonard 25 goals 48 points in 34 games and still heating up to playing in a tournament as the top teams top non Goaltender related Player to determine the Division 1 Winner and who's going to the Frozen 4 Aprill 11-13th i believe it was

Leonard has maybe 4-6 games left in his playoffs if he wins the NCAA title so he might his 30 goals
Xhakaj has 25 left plus 4 round tournament for playoffs and the possibility of a 4 team Memorial Cup Tournament
Dude's gonna score 50 goals this year at the pace he's going since Switching to the Center Position for the first time since Peewee

I love Leonard, i do wish i had him .. he's that good.
But i feel like you should take a harder look at Florian Xhekaj as nearly 3 months later he not only maintained that pace he's accelerated
He's done so while switching to a harder position for the first time in years and thriving there even more then on Wing.

Plus like Arber Xhekaj he has that Big Slap Shot he can lean on and although its not 107MPH like Xhekaj's
But its still a heck of a shot that neither of them had unlocked before joining the OHL's Bulldogs.</div></div>

Dude... there is a big step between the NCAA and the OHL... Leonard would have 70 in the OHL.

The fact that Leonard &gt; Xhekaj doesn't mean that Xhekaj is bad... they are not at the same level.