

Stats Are For Losers
Membre depuis
28 nov. 2021
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Forum: Armchair-GM5 juin à 22 h 33
Forum: Armchair-GM1 juin à 9 h 20
Forum: Armchair-GM1 juin à 9 h 13
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Fergy72</b></div><div>Ken Holland traded away every 1st rounder and had plenty of bad contracts not to mention he decimated the entire farm system, our AHL team was like 28 year old average. you can't rebuild an organization in 5 drafts. this was the 1st season where the AHL team had plenty of yzerman's draft picks. he hasn't been perfect but this is why teams shouldn't always go for it every year. You probably weren't complaining about all those horrible deals Holland made the last 5 years of his tenure to keep the streak going. This is a true rebuild in every sense of the word and they take 8-10 years especially without a #1 overall pick</div></div>

No, actually I was not happy with a majority of the bad contracts he signed a majority of his players to. To be frank, the only two contracts I actually liked outside of the superstar deals (which we needed to make), ended up actually being 2 of the worst contracts on our books; Stephen Weiss &amp; Frans Nielsen, lol. I was happy about those two signings if I’m being honest, even though I did not agree with the attempt at remaining mildly competitive and signing anybody to long term deals at the time; I’d be lying if I said I did not fancy those two players. I was wrong and so was Ken Holland.

But I hated all the others, and in fairness, I did not agree with keeping the aging core together for the amount of time we did. I hate the traditional concept of making our players “lifers”, like, I would have traded Zetterberg to somewhere like Vancouver to play with the Sedin’s, Datsyuk to Washington, Kronwall etc. Lidstrom’s retirement should have signaled the end of that era and in 2013 or so, we could have gotten significant returns for all of those players and been able to maneuver a quicker than normal rebuild, like 2, maybe 3 years. But they have their traditions and they also wanted to keep the playoff streak alive which was completely silly. And I’m not speaking in hindsight, these were my sentiments then.

Yzerman’s tenure here, I’m not going to sit here and list all the things he’s done and/or hasn’t done since he’s taken over that I’ve disagreed with, which is just about everything except 2 or 3 transactions and I identified my displeasure for his moves or lackthereof in the moment. He’s no Jim Nill.
Forum: Armchair-GM1 juin à 8 h 6
Forum: Armchair-GM1 juin à 8 h 2