
Gortons Liquidation Sale

Créé par: Nobokov
Équipe: 2021-22 Canadiens de Montréal
Date de création initiale: 29 nov. 2021
Publié: 29 nov. 2021
Mode - plafond salarial: Basique
Équipe initiale
Exempté du ballottage
Clause d'échange
Max. Bonis de perf.
Statut à l’échéance du contrat
Terme restant
Logo de Oilers d'Edmonton
Exempté du ballottageMcDavid, Connor
12 500 000 $ (Bonis de performance250 000 $)
UFA - 5
This is what I would try to do were I Jeff Gorton to liquidate the Canadiens roster. I believe that this would set them on the best path towards eventual contention, and I think that the values for each player are in line with the established trades of similar players in the past. Obviously there are NTC and NMC issues to take into account, but in some cases (like Price to EDM for example) I assume they would waive based on prior events (like in this example how Price was willing to waive to go to Seattle.)
  1. Lavoie, Raphael
  2. Choix de 1e ronde en 2022 (EDM)
  1. Chiarot, Ben
Détails additionnels:
Reports state that Ben Chiarot should return at least a 1st, and that Ken Holland is willing to part with futures for a defenseman. Chiarot is a playoff warrior who I can imagine Holland, a more traditional GM, highly valuing, so hence his return being a 1st and Raphael Lavioe, a former top-40 pick who may need a change of scenery. To me this is a highly reasonable trade for both sides.
  1. Moore, John
  2. Smith, Craig
  3. Vaakanainen, Urho
  4. Choix de 1e ronde en 2022 (BOS)
  5. Choix de 3e ronde en 2023 (BOS)
Détails additionnels:
Bruins get a player tailor-made for the way they like their power forwards. It was reported last year that the Bruins were one of the runners-up to the Habs for Anderson last offseason, so I think there is real interest there. He would be an upgrade on Craig Smith and with John Moore added it would be an almost cash-neutral trade. The Bruins recieve a fast goal scorer with size and many years of team control. The Canadiens recieve another first round pick to add to the cupboard and a former 1st rounder in Urho Vaakanainen who can step in and replace Ben Chiarot to 1) help with the tank and 2) allow the Canadiens to see if a change of scenery can revive Urho's career. I think that this is a trade both teams make.
  1. Benson, Tyler
  2. Keith, Duncan
  3. Koskinen, Mikko
  4. Samorukov, Dmitri
Détails additionnels:
The clock is ticking for Edmonton. They need to win a cup soon. Mikko Koskinen and Mike Smith won't win McDavid and Drai a cup. Carey Price, on the other hand? That's someone who makes this team truly special. Yes, I know there are concerns. Price hasn't played yet, sure. But he is getting the help he needs and will likely be better off going forward. Smith and Skinner can hold down the fort. Price is also expensive, but I have added Koskinen and Duncan Keith (replaced by Price and Chiarot, respectively) to balance the money, giving Holland two years to figure out a fit for Price. And then the compensation for the two upgrades: Dmiri Samorukov and Tyler Benson are two prospects that are older and can play in the NHL now. MTL should be stacking the lineup with young players, seeing what value they can mine. These two guys help that, and for Edmonton it is a digestible and reasonable asking price to acquire a goalie who can backstop this team to a cup. I seriously think that this is the kind of win-now move Ken Holland would make.
  1. Emilio Pettersen, Mathias
  2. Zadorov, Nikita
  3. Choix de 2e ronde en 2022 (CGY)
  4. Choix de 2e ronde en 2022 (FLA)
  1. Edmundson, Joel
  2. Kulak, Brett
Détails additionnels:
Edmundson is a top-4 defenseman who excelled in the playoffs. He has the kind of traits GM's covet and will surely help Calgary play the kind of game Darryl Sutter likes to play. He is reasonably priced at $3.5MM with some term left, so I believe that the upgrade on Nikita Zadorov for CGY's PK and 2nd pairing, as well as adding Brett Kulak to be the high-quality #7 (and break-glass-in-case-of-emergency Kylington replacement) is worth the two seconds and a prospect I like in Emilio Pettersen.
  1. Pánik, Richard
  2. Salo, Robin
  3. Choix de 3e ronde en 2022 (NYI)
  4. Choix de 5e ronde en 2022 (NYI)
Détails additionnels:
The Islanders need scoring, and I don't think Lou is going to give up on this season. Here they add an Eberle replacement in Hoffman who can slide right in and boost Mat Barzal plus the sagging power play. They also get to dump Richard Panik, who cleared waivers and is a cap dump here. The cost for them is relatively light, a 3rd, 5th, and Robin Salo (who is the only real loss here as a young dman who is borderline NHL ready and isa a potential #5) and I think it's a deal both teams do without hesitation.
  1. Georgiev, Alexandar
  2. Jones, Zachary
  3. Choix de 2e ronde en 2022 (NYR)
  4. Choix de 2e ronde en 2022 (STL)
  1. Allen, Jake
  2. Toffoli, Tyler
Détails additionnels:
Consider this trade as two parts. The first is Tyler Toffoli to the Rangers. Their current top-6 right wingers are Kaapo Kakko and Dryden Hunt. I like Kakko, but for a team that has fancies itself a cup contender to-be, that won't cut it. Toffoli can't skate, but he can do nearly everything else, and has had a decent start to this season (15 in 23 on a team like MTL is nothing to scoff at) after an incredible season last year. At $4.25MM for the next 3 years, he is the kind of cheap top-6 option the Rangers, soon to be highly expensive, would covet. Toffoli is seriously valuable, and I therefore think that Zac Jones and a 2nd round pick would be a fair return for him. Jones is incredibly talented and tough to lose for NYR, but you have to give to get and Jones could end up redundant in NY with Nils and Fox anyway. For the Habs, this is the chance to get a young, dynamic defenseman just before he breaks out in the NHL, along with a good pick in case I'm wrong about Jones. The second part of the trade is the Rangers spending a 2nd to upgrade Alexandar Georgiev with Jake Allen. That part seems clear-cut and reasonable to me. Overall this is a trade I am DYING for both teams to make.
  1. Choix de 5e ronde en 2022 (TOR)
  1. Zadorov, Nikita
Détails additionnels:
Anaheim is doing well and gives its locker room a boost by adding a physical, veteran defenseman on a simple rental deal at a cheap price. This is the type of light buying the Ducks should do and the Habs get to clear a contract slot and a late pick. (Maybe MTL retains a bit on Zadorov too to stay above cap floor)
Rachats de contrats
Repêchage1e ronde2e ronde3e ronde4e ronde5e ronde6e ronde7e ronde
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Logo de MTL
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Logo de MTL
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Logo de MTL
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Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
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Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
Logo de MTL
2381 500 000 $58 110 606 $597 561 $1 557 500 $23 389 394 $
Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droit
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
1 150 000 $1 150 000 $
UFA - 1
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
863 333 $863 333 $ (Bonis de performance537 500 $$538K)
UFA - 1
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
880 833 $880 833 $ (Bonis de performance300 000 $$300K)
UFA - 2
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
5 500 000 $5 500 000 $
UFA - 2
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
4 450 000 $4 450 000 $
UFA - 4
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
6 500 000 $6 500 000 $
UFA - 6
Logo de Oilers d'Edmonton
750 000 $750 000 $
UFA - 1
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
750 000 $750 000 $
UFA - 2
Logo de Bruins de Boston
3 100 000 $3 100 000 $
UFA - 2
Logo de Islanders de New York
1 375 000 $1 375 000 $
UFA - 2
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
750 000 $750 000 $
UFA - 1
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
3 400 000 $3 400 000 $
UFA - 4
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
750 000 $750 000 $
UFA - 1
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
950 000 $950 000 $
UFA - 1
Défenseur gaucherDéfenseur droitierGardien de but
Logo de Rangers de New York
925 000 $925 000 $
RFA - 2
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
3 500 000 $3 500 000 $
UFA - 4
Logo de Oilers d'Edmonton
4 500 000 $4 500 000 $
UFA - 1
Logo de Oilers d'Edmonton
5 538 462 $5 538 462 $
UFA - 2
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
2 343 750 $2 343 750 $
UFA - 4
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
859 167 $859 167 $ (Bonis de performance82 500 $$82K)
UFA - 3
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
894 167 $894 167 $ (Bonis de performance637 500 $$638K)
RFA - 1
Logo de Rangers de New York
2 425 000 $2 425 000 $
UFA - 1
Logo de Oilers d'Edmonton
825 000 $825 000 $
UFA - 1
Laissés de côtéListe des blessés (IR)Liste des blessés à long terme (LTIR)
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
950 000 $950 000 $
UFA - 1
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
7 857 143 $7 857 143 $
UFA - 5
Logo de Canadiens de Montréal
3 400 000 $3 400 000 $
UFA - 2

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Commentaires populaires

29 nov. 2021 à 14 h 14
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Rejoint: sept. 2020
Messages: 18,654
Mentions "j'aime": 10,919
Kylington is our top 4 dman. No need for Edmunson. I would be interested in Toffoli tho
29 nov. 2021 à 14 h 15
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Rejoint: mars 2018
Messages: 1,694
Mentions "j'aime": 731
oilers pass easily i dont see them even givng up a first for him let alone a 1st +
NucksnOilers, uphere, RWellington and 2 others a aimé ceci.
29 nov. 2021 à 14 h 15
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Rejoint: avr. 2021
Messages: 14,017
Mentions "j'aime": 4,585
The thing that’s wildly misguided here is Anderson. It’s a question of whether he’s negative value because that contract is just too long, or if he’s kind of neutral, and maybe some time will throw a late pick at him.

I think Moore for Anderson might be fair, but this is crazy town.
29 nov. 2021 à 14 h 17
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Rejoint: mars 2018
Messages: 1,694
Mentions "j'aime": 731
They also arent adding 10Million in goaltending they dont have the space for it next season. let alone 5 more.

also keith doesnt waive to got to last place MTL
NucksnOilers et CD282 a aimé ceci.
29 nov. 2021 à 14 h 19
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Rejoint: juin 2020
Messages: 8,634
Mentions "j'aime": 3,931
Price has too much term to work around for Edmonton so that easily kills that deal.
Chiarot I do think Holland will be in on and I could even see a first being in play but Lavoie is really pushing it too far in my opinion.
NucksnOilers a aimé ceci.
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