

Membre depuis
9 janv. 2024
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Bruins de Boston
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Forum: Armchair-GM22 juin à 23 h 28
Forum: Armchair-GM22 juin à 19 h 33
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 22 h 25
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 19 h 41
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>zhengbangstu</b></div><div>I totally agree with a lot of the next few years comes down to if lindholm is signed and I think I meant more like if coyle was gonna want 5 million again I wouldn't be able to justify that for him to play on the third line. As for the lines you suggested I really like them except I feel like if lysell and poitras are on a line together I'd like to see someone like freddy be with them to almost be like their big brother making sure they don't get smoked 24/7. Also him being on that line would free up space on the ice for poitras and lysell to make some plays, which means holloways on the third line which if were assuming he grows well would hurt the growth or be a waste of his talent. I'm coming around to the brogerg idea if hampus lindholm gets moved a couple years down the line, I'm still not quite sold on holloway just because of the awkwardness of his timeline with respect to other guys on the bruins. Also I'd like to hear you're thoughts on merk because im not really sold on him, I'd rather move him because he's taken a while to grow and at the NHL level if boston is looking to contend right now, there likely wont be a lot of space for him on the roster.</div></div>

I think Holloway has easy top 6 potential and could easily slot next to pot or between zacha and pasta in a few years. he has versatility and will continue to grow as a C if u want him to.
My take on merk is hes weird. He went undrafted yet somehow has turned into one of the better prospects on the bruins. I think hes underrated as a prospect but im also not sure how i feel on him. he doesnt have much size but he seems to have grown into a bit of a goal scorer. I think this camp this year will be huge for him. he either will make the jump and he will start being a skill 4th liner this year or u have to move him bc hes not gonna work out and u need to get value for him
Forum: Armchair-GM18 juin à 4 h 39
Sujet: New line 2