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30 mars 2022
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Sharks de San Jose
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Forum: Armchair-GM10 avr. à 23 h 7
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AStovetop</b></div><div>I feel like Carrier is going to have a lot of people interested, not sure he'd have a ton of interest in SJ. I could see Carolina picking him up ifPesce doesn't re-sign.</div></div>
You're right about interest from other teams, so we'd have to promise more money (which we can) and an expanded role. It's unclear if he would prioritize that over a more competitive team. But, if we have to outbid other teams, we really don't want to pay above market rate for a middle tier player.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AStovetop</b></div><div>Chatfield would be a nice pick up. I'd also think Roy, Pesce, maybe Dumba would be some guys Grier will be looking at if they price themselves out from other teams. I'd also be ok with having Ferraro or Vlasic play full time on the Right side to allow Thrun &amp; Shakir develop on their strong side.</div></div>
I'm glad you agree on Chatfield. I'm inclined to believe his great results in safer minutes could project to an expanded role.

I feel the same argument you made against Carrier can be used for Roy. He will demand even more interest. That's not too say we shouldn't sign him, but he's also a bit older. All three UFAs I targeted are 27 currently, and their career trajectory might line up better with our rebuild.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AStovetop</b></div><div>In terms of forwards I think Gushchin more than deserves an NHL spot to start like Bordeleau and Eklund had this season. Graf has been fantastic as well. If they're going to have vets take young guys spots than they need to be better players than Mikheyev or Trenin. That second line would destroy Celebrini's development.</div></div>
Graf should play the majority of his minutes in the AHL next season. Unless his physicality and skating improve significantly over the summer, he's not likely to start on the opening NHL roster. That's not to say he won't play at all for the Sharks. Injuries and slumps will open up opportunities for Gushchin, Bordeleau, and Graf, but we shouldn't just hand them the spot.

I don't know why you're so down on Mikheyev. He has had great underlying numbers in Vancouver and Toronto. Also has decent speed and size. He would instantly be one of our top 4 forwards.

Trenin is maybe a bit superfluous since he is more of a role player and you don't need to sign those so early in rebuild. But, I believe he would improve our putrid PK. His size would also fit with Grier's philosophy, and again, he is on the younger side.
Forum: Armchair-GM19 mars à 11 h 29
Forum: Armchair-GM3 janv. à 20 h 31
Forum: Armchair-GM4 déc. 2023 à 13 h 27
Forum: Armchair-GM7 nov. 2023 à 11 h 16
This is a bad trade for the Sharks because Holloway is not as strong a prospect as his draft position suggests. Despite his 1st round pedigree, he's scored 9 points in 62 NHL games so far. That's not to say he has no NHL future, but I imagine the Sharks would rather trade for a prospect with more upside. As for Merkulov, he seems to be trending up, but he's undersized and is under a point per game in the AHL. I honestly don't think he moves the needle much at all.

The Sharks won't accept taking on Campbell without at least a 1st in return. Others have suggested the price of offloading Campbell might be a 1st plus a good prospect. Even if this package were dangled, I don't know if Grier accepts it because he's looking for cap flexibility in 25-26 (see the Karlsson trade).

I can see why you need to include Grzelcyk to balance salaries, and he's a real NHL player, but again doesn't really move the needle.

In terms of reasons why the Sharks might like this package, the 24 Edmonton 1st might be juicy if Ullmark doesn't turn the team around. Geekie is a good NHL player on an affordable contract, so he boosts the trade package value.

Honestly, this package is lacking a 2nd 1st from a Sharks perspective because currently it's more like Morgan Geekie and Holloway for Tomas Hertl, which is an underpay. Grzelcyk helps with cap balance, but doens't entice the Sharks. Campbell and a 1st for Kahkonen is not enough. Sharks have little interest in Merkulov.

If Hertl demands a trade to Boston, then we lose leverage and can't demand the 2nd 1st. A straight swap of Geekie, Grzelcyk, and a high pick or prospect, without Campbell might do it.
Forum: Armchair-GM26 oct. 2023 à 11 h 33
Forum: Armchair-GM12 oct. 2023 à 11 h 1