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17 avr. 2016
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Forum: Armchair-GM6 mai 2016 à 13 h 22
You don't win a cup without taking risks.
Monahan - great kid. Favourite player on the team. Likely GIo's replacement captain. Personally, I love the guy.
That being said, he's a tire fire in his own end. There is some indications that he won't maintain the point production he has forever with an abnormally high shooting %, especially as he ages. He's not a great skater to begin with, and he's not particularly a great stick handler or passer either.
He's not paticularly physical either so I asked myself what happens if his production suddenly falls off. It's more a matter of when than if...
JP by all acounts is everything Monahan is but a better skater and more crafty with the puck.
Bennett's underlying numbers are much more satisfying and is the opposite direction instead of benefiting from being lucky. He's actually being held back from being unlucky. When he breaks out and I am confident he will this year.. and scores just as many points as Monahan he instantly becomes the #1 centre ahead of Mony imho because he's all around a better player.
With Backlund, and Arnold in the pipes, we don't really need another maybe 2nd line maybe 3rd line centre who can only score 40 pts (assumes Monahan production falls off as predicted). Moreover, those kind of centre's are replaceable via Free agency.

In this business you need to make hard calls this is one of them for me. But I think it's fair for both sides. Perhaps you get CBJ to throw in something extra for Monahan on their side of the trade.

Gio - same thing. When does he fall of the age cliff? cna he maintain forever..
This is the one trade hwoever I would take back just because gio is invaluable to the team. the thing is we know edmonton needs a solid D and you're not giving up hamilton or brodie. I contemplated trying to get Hall for Gio but then I dont think they give their first. but whatever. It's all just fantasy anyow.