

Membre depuis
17 avr. 2016
Équipe favorite
Flames de Calgary
Deuxième équipe favorite
Capitals de Washington
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Forum: Armchair-GM20 juill. 2016 à 15 h 29
Sujet: Kucherov
Forum: Armchair-GM5 juill. 2016 à 23 h 47
Forum: Armchair-GM3 juill. 2016 à 22 h 5
Sujet: hfhjh
All you ever do is rip everyone else without ever posting your own thoughts. If you're so smart as a armchair gm let's see your team put one together.
You're wrong about a few things.
Very likely that Tkachuk doens't make the team and gets sent back to junior. He's one of the younger players in this draft class. There's nothing wrong with that. He will get an audition though.
Furthermore, there's also huge question marks about his junior production. I dont' want to see the kid fail myself because he was our 6th rd pick and I want my team to be successful. However, reality check. here:
Tkachuk played with Marner and Dvorak last year and the year before he played with auston matthews... that's a huge red flag for his production.
Granted if they can transition him to right wing and play him wtih mony and johnny well again he's gonna benefit from those guys.

Poirier had a bad sophomore season. A lot of guys do. Doesn't mean he's instantly junk. He was asked to focus on his defensive game from the management down to Huska on top of a couple minor injuries not uncommon to see a drop off in production from those circumstances. Give him a season see what he does this yeasr before writing him off.

Hamilton and GIo didnt work as Hamilton was adjusting and Bob was a moron with a dumb system. Once he got the roll of things though Im sure they could play together again.

@hf: I don't really see Mony or Johnny only getting bridge deals. That's my biggest issue wiht your team here. Just dont' see it Johnny is proven he's a top scorer in this league. His ES pt/60 and primary points are indicative that this is just par for the course I sign him 7 or 8 years and give him what he want.
Mony - perhaps there's some questions there so you warrant giving him a bridge and see if he continues to produce. That being said 3 seasons no one from his draft class has scored more. Probably Gve him the money and just see if you can get his term down a bit. He's a legit 2C if not a 1c. needs hlp on his defensive side and shot suppression.
Forum: Armchair-GM23 juin 2016 à 21 h 42
Forum: Armchair-GM14 mai 2016 à 1 h 47
Sujet: Big trade