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Forum: Armchair-GM13 mai 2019 à 11 h 54
Forum: Armchair-GM14 févr. 2019 à 8 h 48
Sujet: Trades
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Bf3351</b></div><div>He got the Kings a Stanley Cup with the final goal and has won 2 or 3 game 7s In the playoffs by getting the goal. He is a playoff player and gets the goals when needed most. He's also one of the best shot blockers in the league as a defenseman and had been for years. You should do your homework on the guy before you comment back.

And I don't know what trading Bruins 2C has any thing to do with Alec Martinez....</div></div>

ok bud. He isn't that good. He just isn't. I am very happy for him that he had a couple big goals, but it doesn't change his stats.
Over his 10 year regular season career he has averaged .34 ppg
Over his 10 year playoff career he has averaged. .25 ppg.
As I mentioned his regular season Minutes per game goes from 19:09 to 15:55 per game. so come playoff time. He loses over 2m a game.

For a point of reference I will use Doughty. 26:17 per game regular season and 27:51 Playoffs. So he gets an extra 1.5m

Martinez is also on a team that is about to miss the playoffs for the 3rd time in 5 years.

Martinez is currently 33rd for defenseman in blocked shots. He was 2nd last year, but that 2nd to Kris Russell who is terrible. The Top 10 in NHL in blocked shots is not exactly littered with the elite (edler, Russell, McNabb, Nemeth, Ceci, Green hainsey &amp; Seabrook), so neat he blocks a lot of shots. HIs possession stats have dramatically gone down hill in the last two seasons as well. 23-27 year old Martinez is NOT the same player 31+ year old Martinez is. Stats don't lie. I am not sure what homework you need me to do. I am well aware of the player and he isn't worth anywhere close to what you are selling here.

My Point with Krejci is if we are ignoring age and decline (Krejci actually isn't statistically declining, he is having a great year unlike Martinez) If I apply the same logic you did to Martinez, The Bruins (Team I follow) should be able to trade Krejci for quite a haul - At least two A prospects, but probably more given he is actually still producing unlike Martinez. After all Krejci has led the league in playoff scoring twice (just like Martinez we get to ignore it happened when he was 24 &amp; 26, right?). I mean I love Krejci, but if they could get two guys who are A) recent 1st round picks &amp; performing as expected B) Both super young and under control for another 5+ years, They would be insane not to take that deal. Let's say Comtois and Jones in Anaheim - That is the equivalent.

Also - I will point out. Team/players not that good anymore, Hence the lack of playoff appearances/games the last 5 years.
Forum: Armchair-GM7 févr. 2019 à 6 h 41