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1 déc. 2017
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Lightning de Tampa Bay
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Ducks d'Anaheim
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Forum: Armchair-GM1 févr. 2018 à 14 h 33
Forum: Armchair-GM30 janv. 2018 à 17 h 0
Forum: Armchair-GM30 janv. 2018 à 4 h 28
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Kingtrader</b></div><div>MTL say yes of course ...</div></div>

Ducks decline.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Billy739</b></div><div>SMH , you're new?

name me 5 times moving a 9 year contract was easy (cant say subban that was anything but easy and we took a loss to do it )</div></div>

It is clearly you that is the new one here because Subban wasn't moved because he had a 9 year contract. The kid was 27 years old for crying out load and you acquired an even worse contract in Shea Weber's.

Moving Fowler's contract would be easy because:

1. He's only just starting it i.e. he's in his prime years,
2. He's only 34 years of age when it finishes,
3. It's cheap for a top pairing D-man,

Way worse 9 year contracts have been moved before and returned some pretty good players, see Shea Weber as an example (Subban &gt; Weber).

Anyway, we're not interested in moving our 9 year contract, so who cares if it's easy or not.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Billy739</b></div><div>why Fowler is their current 4/4th d and the only one with a minus 7 (29 pts from mansons +22 )

plus Welenki is beating down the door and they want to keep Bieska .
to be fair none of us thought Vatenen would be moved before Fowler but he was for a Center when ANA has all 4 centers
having played top line in their career at the NHL level and Kossila being held down while Raekell has to play wing.
trading for Henrique was the last thing any experts suggested</div></div>

Fowler is our 2nd best D-man behind Lindholm. They're both top paring D-men, but they're both llefties. Therefore, Fowler is on the 2nd pairing, but both carry their lines. Lindholm is currently partnered with Manson, a very capable top 4 D-man. Conversely, Fowler is partnered with the black hole of offence and someone who seems to actively feed the opposition the puck in Bieksa (go and check his stats, he's literally the worst D-man we have by a country mile in every stat column). Given that Fowler is having to babysit Bieksa to try and reduce the number of cataclysmic mistakes he makes that lead to a goal for the opposition, Fowler's stats have suffered. However, he is by no means our 4th D. That would probably be Montour.

Bieksa has a NTC. He'd have been moved last year before the expansion draft if he didn't have one.

ANA only had 2 Cs available at the time in Vermette and Grant. We've been decimated with injuries this season and both Getzlaf and Kesler were out. Rakell is not a C, he's a winger. Vermette is a 4th line C and Grant is a borderline NHLer. We needed a C desperately and Henrique was a good fit.

Actually, we may not be "experts" (whatever that means), but most Ducks fans and Devils fan had discussed Henrique for Vatanen and agreed it made total sense. Hence, most of us were not too surprised when the deal actually came to fruition.

Anyway, this deal is bad for ANA. We need Fowler much, much more than we need Patches. MTL needs are rebuild anyway. Dump what you can for whatever you can get. I'd be happy to do a deal around futures for Patches, but I'm not taking away from key roster positions to fit him in.