

Steve Durbano Fan
Membre depuis
27 janv. 2017
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Jets de Winnipeg
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Oilers d'Edmonton
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Forum: NHL30 janv. à 21 h 20
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>OldHabsFan61</b></div><div>Wow. People should sabotage themselves for “change” is your basic thesis here. I have no desire to debate politics with you or anyone. You’ve made your politics incredibly clear. Mine are the opposite of yours so let’s leave that there. I also have no problem with nuking Hockey Canada and replacing every current employee. We

Here’s where I’m taking issue with you:
My issue with your approach is simple
“Have you no genuine empathy for the victims of these sexual assaults or are you so firmly entrenched as a product of your time that you cannot see this as anything other than "boys will be boys"?”

Let me tell you about the “product of time”, yes I’m from a different time, one where people were presumed to be innocent until a court of law found them guilty. This is one of the bedrocks of a society founded on constitutional law, monarchy or republic aside. This is as crucial to a democratic society as free speech is. I don’t know who you are other than some person on the internet but let me tell you about the times you’re living in, people are now destroyed in their private lives by ACCUSATIONS.

Accusation: a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

Victim- a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.

Now everyone today loves the sound of their voice and their opinion but the beauty of a language is that words having actual meanings free from our opinions. The people bringing forth these allegations are “alleged victims”. Those who have been accused are “alleged offenders”.

What scares the heck out of me is to see what you and most younger people (I’m not assuming your age other than doubting you’re my age) say… “the victims of these sexual assaults…”

Your lack of acknowledging that these are allegations and not facts is absolutely frightening. You have already made up your mind that 6 or 7 members of the 2018 Canadian junior team are rapists. That’s seems like a settled fact for you, which is absolutely mind boggling to me when we have absolutely no charges and no court proceedings at this point, yet you’ve skipped the indictment and trial and went straight to a verdict.

Why are you going to a guilty verdict on these players without as much as an indictment? Does that not make you wonder why you’re so comfortable jumping to this conclusion? Do you do this with criminal accusations? Or is it just high profile sexual assault accusations? I’m trying to understand this because our entire justice system is based off the opposite thinking.</div></div>

Here’s where I’m taking issue with this thread
My issue with the approach is simple in that people think you can declare guilt before a verdict which is far to common in this day and age. Let them have a fair trial outside of public scrutiny and then forcast a reasonable course forward based on the judgement of the court and not what you read on the internet which may or may not be true.
Let me give you a scenario that shows the danger in your approach. Lets say you are living your life minding your own business and someone of power and influence moves in next door and decides he does not like you.He concocts a story of you do something both illegal and immoral and uses his influence to destroy you in social media and that information flows to your employer (costing you your job and the finacial means to defend yourself) and friends (making an isolated paryra out of you.) Do you think you have any hope of recovering from this issue which is not your fault. The answer absolutely no chance for you as you will just be another trampled citizen sacrificed for someone else;s power trip. This is why the courts and publication bans are becoming more neccessary than ever. Ruining lives to enhance the news of the day is unfair and undemocratic.
Forum: NHL Signings12 oct. 2023 à 11 h 50