

19 lotteries, 0 wins
Membre depuis
18 oct. 2017
Équipe favorite
Blue Jackets de Columbus
Deuxième équipe favorite
Avalanche du Colorado
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Forum: Armchair-GM12 févr. à 15 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM6 févr. à 13 h 47
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>evelutions2</b></div><div>Please tell me how Jenner is better. Offensively, his best season is 6 points higher than KK’s, and that came back in 2015-16. Defensively, KK has been elite, and Jenner has also been pretty good, so not much difference there. Aside from that, Jenner is on the wrong side of 30, and is several years older, and has peaked several years ago. KK still has room to grow offensively and is signed for long term, unlike Jenner who only has 2 years of term remaining after this one. Jenner is a strong leader, but I highly doubt that his leadership qualities are worth swapping a near equal player several years his junior, and adding a 1st and 3rd on top.</div></div>

Well I'm not sure how CF's scouting goes, but he's listed as quite better than KK. So there's that I guess. Boone's best season production rate wise was just 2 years ago. Including this season, the past 3 he's been on a 30 goal pace, Boone plays 6 more minutes per game here but on a much worse team. He has sustained some injuries as he is a netfront guy, and playing top 6 minutes here. Boone's on a much better contract for his production value. He shouldn't be a top line guy, but has been on the downtrodden Jackets. While his conventional metrics are mid, his finishing is very high. On top of better faceoff% than KK, he plays well at wing too, and can go netfront instead of the center to protect from injury risk and such by getting hit by shots, just as what injured him this year. He would be a perfect 2-3C on a contending team. Not much responsibility, but a high finishing rate and good FO% if needed, and being a cheap non rental.
Forum: Armchair-GM2 févr. à 12 h 2
Forum: Armchair-GM1 févr. à 11 h 25