

Membre depuis
21 avr. 2021
Équipe favorite
Capitals de Washington
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Forum: Armchair-GM10 févr. 2023 à 8 h 15
Sujet: Beyond Bo
Forum: Armchair-GM9 févr. 2023 à 0 h 5
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>mondo</b></div><div>All this does is really highlight how bad the Capitals depth is if losing a guy I didn't know existed this morning makes the bottom fall out of the team. If the depth of the team is really that poor maybe sell off this season considering it's a deep draft?</div></div>

the caps' depth players are not their issue in the slightest. dowd, hathaway, johansson, milano, sheary, gustafsson, tvr are all having incredible years and playing extremely well. the reason they are not firmly in a playoff spot right now is that besides ovechkin all of their top guys have either been hurt (backstrom, wilson, carlson) severely underperforming (kuzy, mantha) or both (oshie). i think they could still end up selling if things dont go well this month. if they do though, they wont move guys like dowd (or milano) that are signed beyond this season. the gap between what they are guaranteed to bring to the caps next year vs. what they could go for at the trade deadline is massive. sheary for example, who i think they will not have the room to re-sign, is an entirely different story and i would definitely move him for a 2nd or 3rd. for dowd though, it would need to take a massive overpayment for it to be worth it for the caps, who at this point in their cycle don't really care about the extra 4th or 5th.

would also just like to hammer home that dowd is incredibly good (a great article about him and hathaway was just written yesterday has a legitimate case to be the second best defensive center in the league behind bergeron!
Forum: Armchair-GM25 janv. 2023 à 8 h 38