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30 sept. 2021
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Canucks de Vancouver
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Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 22 h 51
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 20 h 40
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 20 h 37
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>GuyGuyGuy</b></div><div>Dach could absolutely be a 2c next season

Maybe Boeser is a second liner, but Beau and Garland are third liner. Their comparable is Dvorak.

Ylonen and Pitlick are better than 99% of the players you named in the same category

Roy might not be nhl ready, but Beck 100% is. Could also add Slaf in that category

Monahan is fragile, but when healthy, he is better than Boeser by a lottt. And Anderson’s bad contract doesn’t define that he is a bad player. He is better than Garland and Beau

Guhle showed last season that he was a top 4 D. The question is more : is he a top pairing D. And Harris has prove that he is a good shutdown middle pairing D. Barron hasn’t been consistent enough to be regarded as a top 4, but he had some good games. Probably a top 4 by the end of next season. But if you prefer, add him to cheap labor.

Try again. Vancouver isn’t close to competing. They might get second wildcard just to get erase in four by the Oilers</div></div>

Beau and Garland are both much much better than Dvorak. Dvorak has not hit 40 points ever in his career whereas Beauvillier and Garland both did it this year. Dvorak is also one of the worst defensive forwards in the entire league (you even admitted it yourself). Dvorak is not a comparable for these players.

Ylonen and Pitlick aren't better than anybody in our top 9

You are also count on very young rookies to make an instant impact.

Also Monahan better than Boeser by A LOT? Now you have me laughing. Monahan hasn't been a top 6 caliber forward since his healthy days in Calgary. Come on now. Boeser had more points this season than Monahan has in the past 2 seasons combined

Guhle is pretty good with upside, but you are basically counting on him to be your #1 defenseman which he is not. The Habs have a lot of holes on defense (Yes they have a very good prospect pool, but those guys aren't ready yet)

Saying the Canucks aren't close to competing and then using this very terrible counterexample does not help your argument at all. Canucks are basically a good 3C, and top 4 defenseman away from having a legit team
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 20 h 31
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>GuyGuyGuy</b></div><div>Where is the top 6 outside of Kusmenko, Pettersson and Miller? Cause those 3 wingers are third liner. The defense is horrible outside of Hronek and Hughes. I could do the same thing with the habs

Superstar forward : Caufield
Superstar D : We actually don’t have that, so you beat us on this side
High end forward : Suzuki
High end D : Matheson, Guhle
Quality no 2 c : Dach
Reliable secondary scoring option : Monahan, Anderson, Newhook
Reliable everyday back end support piece : Harris, Savard, Barron
Reliable Pk personnel : RHP, Evans, Dvorak, Ylonen, Pitlick
Cheap labor option : Roy, Beck
Quality depth option : Kovacevic, Wideman
Backup option : Allen, Primeau

This team is a bottom 5 team and it beat you in most of the categories… you aren’t making the playoffs</div></div>

Brock Boeser is definitely a top 6 forward. He put up 55 points in 74 games which is a 60 point pace in what is considered to be a down year. Mikheyev more of a middle 6 forward, but works well enough with Pettersson and Kuzmenko that the line is super effectivey. Mikheyev can easily score 25 goals and 50 points. Garland also puts up 50 points with not much PP time, and not much time in general.

Hughes and Hronek are both fantastic. Cole had ELITE analytics last year. He may be old, but his defensive metrics are top of the league. He also had the 3rd highest time on ice on the playoff contender Tampa Bay Lightning. I'd say that is top 4 worthy. Now Soucy is not as proven in the top 4, but it is still better than whatever the Habs have got going on. Also every single player you listed in each category is worse than what the Canucks have. There is a reason that the Habs were bottom 5 last season
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 18 h 27
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 17 h 46
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 17 h 33