

Membre depuis
22 juill. 2021
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Rangers de New York
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Forum: Armchair-GM25 juill. 2021 à 22 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juill. 2021 à 19 h 18
Forum: Armchair-GM25 juill. 2021 à 16 h 47
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>TrueCanuck</b></div><div>&amp; how do you expect to re-sign Zibanenad, Kakko, and Fox after the upcoming season, plus pay the $2M in overages from your bonuses into next season? ... this is horrible cap management.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>HOCKEYBOY448</b></div><div>I think Mika walks. Bridge everyone to 3 year deals. Kakko isn’t worth more than $3 mil on a 3 year deal. Fox could be bridged $7 mil for 3 years. Young guys will step up. Odds are most bonuses won’t be paid out cause I don’t see most of these guys hitting them. Bridge Laf and Miller and Kravtsov. Probably could do without signing Coleman cause of the cap. If we didn’t have Kreider or Trouba than sure, but that’s not our case.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>HOCKEYBOY448</b></div><div>I think Mika walks. Bridge everyone to 3 year deals. Kakko isn’t worth more than $3 mil on a 3 year deal. Fox could be bridged $7 mil for 3 years. Young guys will step up. Odds are most bonuses won’t be paid out cause I don’t see most of these guys hitting them. Bridge Laf and Miller and Kravtsov. Probably could do without signing Coleman cause of the cap. If we didn’t have Kreider or Trouba than sure, but that’s not our case.</div></div>

That's why I put that I didn't like it for what it does for the rest of the team. Guess I should have put the rfa's. I'm not saying Eichel is not good. Just that we should change everything just for him. And there will have to be more changes because of the rfa's. Can't keep them all.