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31 mars 2016
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Forum: Armchair-GM8 mai 2016 à 12 h 15
Forum: Armchair-GM8 mai 2016 à 10 h 40
God is that awful....Let's begin, shall we :)


Michael-Liles is not a top 4 defenseman on a good team. He's a decent 5/6 but needs the right partner, and Colin Miller (who i like) is not it.
Okposo is good and one I want, but he's going to cost a lot more than that. 6+ if you want him.
Vesey signing was fine and realistic.

<strong>TRADES</strong> This is where everything goes to the shitter.......

Nashville Trade = F+ ---- Why would Nashville give up big assets for that pile of dong? Did Sweeney promise Poile something down the road? That is the biggest under-the-table handjob I've ever seen. Here, take my overpaid, worthless pile of crap for 2 high round picks. I won't even talk about Vesey b/c his rights don't mean much at this point.

Winnipeg Trade = F+ ----- Jacob Trouba is a legit young top 4 defenseman. Why would they give him up for essentially a 1st round pick? Koko is bolting back to the KHL and Casto is probably nothing more than an AHL lifer (maybe he peaks as a #7). Didn't do much research on this trade. Chris Casto, LOLOLOLOL!!

St. Louis Trade = F+ ------- Once again, not much research done on this one (shocker.....) Parayko is a young, big top 4 defenseman who came out of nowhere. He's the guy that has basically made Shattenkirk expendable. So why are they going to trade him along with a good young (cheap) goalie with upside AND a 1st round pick, for Tuukka Rask (7 million) and Adam McQuaid (an overpriced #5/6). Sure you're offering Krug as well, but that doesn't help them when they're losing Parayko. The 3rd is a throw-in, doesn't mean much.


Isn't all that great. Sure the defense is younger and the top 4 is (a little) better (When you have JML in there it's not that much) but that bottom pair will get eaten alive. I hate that 4th line. Two players not ready and in roles they aren't made for. Actually Heinen isn't a 4th line style either. The Bottom 6, as a whole, has potential, but could (and most likely will) be a complete trainwreck.

20 million in cap space though, do they even meet the minimum? This whole mock is brutal top to bottom.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 mai 2016 à 9 h 43
<strong>THE GOOD:</strong>

Kyle Okposo signing. I am on that train. I really want this guy in black and gold. Yes yes, I know the Bruins desperately need to fill their defensive holes, but other than Demers, I don't see a guy on the market who will help with that. That said, The Bruins desperately need a top line RW and Okposo fits the billing to a "T". Krejci has always played best with wingers who play a heavier style and he does that. Now is he Lucic? Nope. But he does remind me a little of Nathan Horton (pre injuries) and I feel would be a strong addition to the Bruins forward core. If you can get him at that number; 5x6 you do it. I'd go with him over Loui (who they will need to replace).

The cap space for NEXT SEASON. You left around 4+ million (since they won't carry 2 extra D and 2 extra forwards) and then taking into account Chara's 3 million coming off, 4.5 from Marchand (who will get an increase).

Dumba and Rychel.... I really like both acquisitions and feel they are the types of moves the Bruins need. Now I know Rychel hasn't been amazing at the NHL level, but he has around 35 total NHL games and a PPG average of 0.32, it's not terrible (those are respectable 3rd line numbers) and there is room to grow. He has requested a trade out of CBJ in the past so if you can get him, I'm all for it. Versatile as well (can play L/R wing). Dumba has the top 4 upside, right handed shot and would be a great guy going forward with.

I'd love a Vatrano -- CENTERMAN -- Rychel third line combination. I left Gagner out b/c he wouldn't be my first choice. I think those two on the wings would be solid though. Both play with intensity, Rychel is the heavy style on the line to get in there, Vatrano is the pure scorer. Give them a "C" who is a pass first type, and you have a solid 3rd line that could be a matchup issue for some teams. Plus a lot of potential to grow there.

The Seidenberg (and Hayes) contracts off the books. Nothing else needs to be said about that. lol

<strong>THE NOT SO GOOD</strong>

Dumba is going to cost a hell of a lot more than Spooner and a 2nd (and yes I left out Mr. Useless, Jimmy Hayes for a reason). The CBJ deal will cost more than that as well, and I'd stay away from Johnson.

I don't like signing Gagner, Connolly, and kevan miller to more than 1 year. Those are players that will add up on the cap. I know you saved some money for next season, but i'd rather go into next season with the extra 4.5 million (around what you have tied up in those players) than without it. Marchand and Pastrnak are priorities. You can always bring those players back again if you have room, liked how they played, etc. I don't see any of them playing to a level where they earn multi-year big money contracts.
Forum: Armchair-GM5 mai 2016 à 9 h 24
Sujet: meeh
Forum: Armchair-GM4 mai 2016 à 11 h 29