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Forum: Armchair-GM29 avr. 2016 à 8 h 2
Forum: Armchair-GM28 avr. 2016 à 21 h 33
Sujet: Bruins
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DoubleAAAA</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Kally</b></div><div><i>I'd stay away from Troy Brouwer, especially at that number. Tommy Cross is in why? I like White but Fiddler as 3rd line C?</i></div></div>

Fair points for sure, trying to keep it in the realm of realism.
- Brouwer, fits the "getting heavier on the right side" agenda, cheaper than Okposo but obviously a risk at that $. But he's a consistent 20/20 guy with size and strength. Quality mid roster player. I'd also take a look at David Perron there (although I believe he's more comfortable on the left side)
- Cross was really the only in-house left D option I had left after using Morrow in the trade and he had a decent year in Providence and showed decent when he got the chance, he's certainly a JAG, but that's about all there was room left for. If you swap Morrow out of the trade for say Koko's rights, then I'd slot him in there.
- Fiddler, fits the Kelly mode as responsible vet 3C for Claude. 20-25 point guy who doesn't mind getting dirty can PK etc. Ideally Czarnik pushes in an offensive role, but he's insurance and depth and a guy who can be relied on.
- White to me is what they wanted in Rinaldo, but a guy who can actually play the game.</i></div></div>

Good explanations. I actually was very excited to see Cross get in there last year, even if it was more of a, "thanks for being a good soldier," type call-up. That said, he has talent, injuries just really held him back (as we know -- And i definitely know you that since you post on HFboards). He showed that at worst he could be a #7 defenseman for a team, and while I'd rather go with a more proven option (or one with more upside) he's not the worst option; Matt Irwin looks on.....

Fiddler, to me, is more of a 4th liner type at this point in his career. I just feel like he'd be a guy that would be overused by Julien, but I wouldn't complain about him. Even if it's a year type situation, they can always find a replacement the following year, or maybe someone progresses in the minors, a player they drafted, etc.

I've liked White's game since he debuted with the Habs, and he always seemed like a guy who would fit in well with the Bruins and that style we all loved and want back (well most of us). He really works well with the Flyers, and if they let him go, i wouldn't mind him at all. Would love the move actually. He's a 4th liner that if needed can move up to a 3rd line role for a change-up type. Also, him next to Acciari would be a lot of fun. I wouldn't be opposed to Matt Martin, if he makes it to FA. Martin -- Acciari -- White would be too much fun to watch lol
Forum: Armchair-GM27 avr. 2016 à 17 h 12
Forum: Armchair-GM23 avr. 2016 à 20 h 26