

Membre depuis
15 juin 2023
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Sabres de Buffalo
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Forum: Armchair-GM2 août 2023 à 15 h 35
Sujet: Sabres
Forum: Armchair-GM2 août 2023 à 15 h 15
Sujet: Ulh8it
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>DDossett</b></div><div>I think theres a lot of key points your just missing in my arguements here, pointing out the coyle will be a role player fits as what we need is guys who can play a role and hopefully push the rest of our developing team to take on the important functions of the role he fills. Mitts can't do that.
Also UPL has sucked at every level since 18? Amazing how bad everyone else must have played for him to get a 18-19 ohl goaltender of the year. Wjc gold metal, and more recently 22-23 "rookie" of the month. I think you like the bruins veteran style of tight checking defense and confuse it with the talent of thier goalie. Which is why you think adding swayman will help and dont realize how much the sabres roster needs a guy like coyle.
But whatever if you dont see it i obviously cant help you.</div></div>

Mitts can absolutely do that, he is 25 and he was thrust into a garbage system on a garbage team with a garbage coach (Krueger). OK sorry, he has sucked since 2019, I was off by a year, his AHL numbers were atrocious even when they had a decent time and I, as is with most people, could care less about his rookie of the month. He finished the season sub .890 save % and wasnt even trusted to start the final 8 games of the season. You need to get off the Coyle train and stop over valuing average at best players. If Adams traded Mitts for Coyce today he would get destroyed by the media and rightfully so. I can help you understand that in 2 years Mitts will be potting 65 points and coyle will be a 4th line 30 point guy at best.
Forum: Armchair-GM1 août 2023 à 17 h 32
Sujet: Ulh8it
Forum: Armchair-GM1 août 2023 à 14 h 42
Sujet: Ulh8it
Forum: Armchair-GM28 juin 2023 à 10 h 12
Sujet: lets deal