

Membre depuis
27 juin 2022
Équipe favorite
Canucks de Vancouver
Deuxième équipe favorite
Avalanche du Colorado
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Forum: Armchair-GM27 févr. à 0 h 47
Forum: Armchair-GM26 févr. à 23 h 37
Forum: Armchair-GM26 juill. 2022 à 17 h 13
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Canucks33</b></div><div>Pearson - Miller - Boeser
Kuzmenko - Pettersson - Podkolzin
Mikheyev - Horvat - Garland
Hoglander - Joshua - Lazar

Pearson or Hoglander are the odd ones out. Pearson makes more sense to move but there may not be a market for him and he had a pretty good year last year. Hoglander is younger and cheaper but he didn't get the same chance to get his footing under Boudreau. He's the exception as he was actually better under Green who utilized him a lot. I would rather run with Miller - Pettersson - Horvat as centers than use Dickinson at 3C by a long shot. With those three centers, the wingers are very interchangeable based on chemistry, matchups, hot streaks, etc. Only problem is one of them will be on the 4th line, either Hoglander or Pearson for me.

Dickinson is who I have scratched up front and I would pay for him to not play for the Canucks again based on last year.

Pearson in a trade could hopefully get us a temporary RHD that is similar in age and cap hit, but I kind of doubt that. In this market I doubt we could move him in any sort of cap clearing move, so that's tough. Hoglander can definitely be moved but the value might be underwhelming. If it's for a young RHD or C then it's something to look into.

I don't see a spot for Rathbone unless he is significantly better than Dermott at camp.</div></div>

I end up having Pearson and Hoglander being the odd ones out as well. and im actually quite high on Hoglander. Id be more than happy to keep him, assuming he can get enough ice time to show what he can do, earn a spot etc. Problem is, to many other wingers deserve the ice time as well. The kid is a bulldog on the puck, if he gets his defensive side of the game in tact, he would be the type of player others would love to play with.

Sad thing about trade proposals, its hard to convince others of certain prospects value. Stats seem to be all that is considered. Therefore, its near impossble to propose a trade where both teams (fans of each) would be happy.

Id like to see Rathbone given a chance