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27 juin 2022
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Canucks de Vancouver
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Forum: Armchair-GM26 juill. 2022 à 16 h 3
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>gordfish</b></div><div>First general piece of advice, stop believing what you hear in the media. They need to sell their product, and 98% of what they say is either made up, extrapolation or purposely leaked to them to by an agent or team management. They sensationalize everything in this market.

Here is what we know about JT Miller. He's a PPG player coming off a 100 point season that helps the Canucks win games RIGHT NOW. This team is not in a rebuild. Rutherford has consistently said, publicly, that they want JT Miller in Vancouver, but because of the team's cap situation, it needs to be on a team friendly contract. They don't move Miller unless, as it is with every player, someone makes an offer they can't refuse. Until then, they wait for TDL, and see how things look then, while continuing to try for an extension. They certainly don't make the trade you have suggested here, at least not now.

It's tough to opine on Poolman right now because of his health. At the moment, I don't see a market for him. Better to keep him, hope he stays healthy and has a bounce back year.

Dickinson, I would buy out. I don't see a market, and he is IMO, after watching him for a year, a fourth line player. Too much to be spending on a fourth liner. But they seem intent on keeping him and hoping for the best instead of turning him into dead cap space, so expect him in the lineup in October.

I don't get this market and Pearson. Again, stop listening to the media and look at the numbers. Yup, he had a bad shortened season in 20-21 and a rough start last year. He's certainly not alone amongst Canuck players in that regard. But overall, his numbers aren't that far off from Palat's, who just signed for 6 mil per at 30 years old. Pearson's contract is a value deal. He scores like a second line player in todays NHL and is paid paid like a third liner, He can play effectively with top players, and is one of the few Canucks who goes to the net with any consistency. Treating him like a cap dump is just foolishness.

Hoglander is a player I would consider moving on while his potential is still a selling point, but there is no reason right now to sell low on him.

If anything else gets done, I would look to Garland or OEL. Those are the contracts I think this group would most like to get out of, because of their term. I don't see much happening on OEL because of his NTC, but I can certainly see Garland in play.</div></div>

I completely agree, media to me is nothing but a starting point to base hypotheticals off of. I don't believe anything I hear until its confirmed, however rumors do give me a reason to do mock trades to see how the roster would pan out, in a dream world etc.

Honestly, I love the idea of having Miller long term. However, long term if they ever plan on getting a true RHD for Hughes, Id rather bank on our current younger forwards, and start allocating cap to younger high end dmen. If we are paying Petterson, Horvat, Boeser, Podkolzin?, Garland? Mikheyev? etc etc long term, I see more value in adding to the defence rather than keeping Miller (Easier said than done, i know...Assuming in some reality theres a trade for Miller that makes sense and people can agree on lol)

The problem I'm having is deciding which forwards stay/ which should go/ which have more value/ who fits long term plan etc etc. With the additions of Kuzmenko and Mikheyev, there is just too many forwards. I have no problem with Pearson, under appreciated by many in my own opinion. Dickenson can go, how ever we make that happen. Buyout etc.

Poolman was moved out due to signing Klingberg, otherwise I do see potential of him having a bounce back season depending on health.

Basically my final thought process is, which players are either a) above the ideal age of core b) have enough value to entice teams, which frees up cap. Example being Pearson, Id rather not move him, but when looking at line combinations, he seems to be expendable, especially if younger players are given more ice time/bigger roles.

Im all over the place with my thoughts my apologies lol

Thanks for the feedback
Forum: Armchair-GM26 juill. 2022 à 3 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM26 juill. 2022 à 3 h 17