

Membre depuis
13 juin 2022
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Stars de Dallas
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Forum: Armchair-GM28 juill. 2022 à 10 h 23
Forum: Armchair-GM28 juill. 2022 à 10 h 22
Forum: Armchair-GM13 juill. 2022 à 0 h 7
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>tdash11</b></div><div>If oettinger was going to take 4 mil they would've signed it by now... Georgiev got almost 4 mil and he was a bad backup last year... And if Jack Campbell really is getting 5x5 from Edmonton which is the rumor.... Oettinger deserves at least that. Have to move with the market.

Burns controls a lot of where he goes... he has a permanent Texas residence and would probably only come to Dallas, which gives the Stars leverage to ask for however much salary retention they want.. I can see it happening.

The Kane thing is tough... of the three headed prospect monster at center, I think I would rather lose Borque than Stankhoven or Johnston and to get Kane and have the hawks keep salary it is going to take one of the 3 they have there plus a pick at least... but who knows what Chicago is thinking after the fiasco they had at the draft</div></div>

Georgiev is getting $3.4M on this contract and he's been in the league over twice as long as Oettinger and played in over 50 more games than Oettinger. In that time, he's had a &gt;.910 SV% in 3 of those years. Rough year last year, but he's been fairly solid through his career in the pipes so far.

As for Campbell, since 2016-2017, he's been a top-10 goalie in terms of SV%. I love Oettinger, but he simply hasn't put in the time yet to warrant a $5M contract. Vasilevskiy was making $3.5M after the first 3 years of his career. If you take his cap hit percentage on his 2nd contract (4.79% of Tampa's cap) and transpose that to this year's cap ceiling ($82.5M), that gives Oettinger a $3.95M contract. Love Oettinger, but he shouldn't be making nearly $1M more than Vasilevskiy made on his bridge contract. Regarding the contract length, 3 years allows Dallas to retain contractual control of him after the contract expires. Giving him a 5-year contract allows a potentially elite goaltender to hit the UFA market at 27 years old. Brutal term for the Stars here.

When it comes to Burns, the Sharks don't HAVE to move him though. They have over $7M in cap space, with 20 players already on the roster, and a few minor RFA's left to sign. They aren't really hurting for Cap Space right now. Sure, they'd probably like to get out from under a couple of bad contracts, but they aren't going to to move a player just to move a player. And my comment wasn't necessarily regarding the value of the trade, more so the fact that Dallas should really think twice before adding another 37-year old defenseman. Suter wasn't great last year and common sense dictates that once players get to this stage in their career that they slow down. Don't use Pavelski as an example either. He's the exception, not the rule. For every Pavelski, there's a dozen Gonchar's, Polak's, and Radulov's. With guys like Ethan Bear and Brandon Montour very likely to be moved, those are the kind of players Nill should be focused on. Gives Dallas a top-4 RD at a cheaper cap hit &amp; mitigates some of the risk associated with having a late-30's player on your roster.

Same with Kane. Not really commenting on the value, more so the fact that it doesn't make sense for Dallas. You say that, "of the three headed prospect monster at center, I think I would rather lose Borque than Stankhoven or Johnston." I would rather not give up any of them and let Kane go elsewhere. If the Stars had the ability to re-sign him after the season then there might be a discussion there, but they aren't signing Hintz AND Kane &amp; I'm not giving up a premium asset like Bourque for a 1-year Rental.