

Membre depuis
13 juin 2022
Équipe favorite
Stars de Dallas
Deuxième équipe favorite
Wild du Minnesota
Messages dans les forums
Messages par jour
Forum: Trade Machine Proposals15 févr. 2023 à 11 h 22
Forum: Armchair-GM28 juill. 2022 à 10 h 19
Forum: Armchair-GM22 juill. 2022 à 11 h 34
Forum: Armchair-GM12 juill. 2022 à 17 h 20
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>TheMooterus</b></div><div>Don't like this if I'm Dallas. No shot Dallas can sign Kane after the season, so you're trading an entire career of Bourque for 1 season of Kane. Given the team that Dallas currently has, Kane doesn't make them Cup Contenders. I have an extremely hard time moving a kid that looks like a true future top-6 center for someone that isn't going to bring Dallas to a Cup (hint, other than McDavid I don't see 1 forward making Dallas Cup Contenders. They're still a couple of pieces away).

The Burns deal isn't horrible (and tbh, that kind of retention is the only way I'm pursuing that kind trade), but Dallas is already such an old team. They really don't need to be adding a 37-year old defenseman to their already old group of players. If he's an absolute last resort then Dallas may be able to stomach a move like that, but there are a number of better options available via trade or free agency that need to be higher on the priority list than a defenseman that's signed until he's 40

You're also giving Oettinger 2 years &amp; roughly $1M more than you should be. Don't give him any more than a 3 year deal and keep it around $4M</div></div>

If oettinger was going to take 4 mil they would've signed it by now... Georgiev got almost 4 mil and he was a bad backup last year... And if Jack Campbell really is getting 5x5 from Edmonton which is the rumor.... Oettinger deserves at least that. Have to move with the market.

Burns controls a lot of where he goes... he has a permanent Texas residence and would probably only come to Dallas, which gives the Stars leverage to ask for however much salary retention they want.. I can see it happening.

The Kane thing is tough... of the three headed prospect monster at center, I think I would rather lose Borque than Stankhoven or Johnston and to get Kane and have the hawks keep salary it is going to take one of the 3 they have there plus a pick at least... but who knows what Chicago is thinking after the fiasco they had at the draft