

Membre depuis
3 avr. 2019
Équipe favorite
Avalanche du Colorado
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Forum: Armchair-GM24 avr. 2019 à 15 h 16
Forum: Armchair-GM23 avr. 2019 à 15 h 25
Forum: Armchair-GM22 avr. 2019 à 18 h 2
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>russ02</b></div><div>See I just fundamentally disagree. If we ax my Barrie trade, my guess is that he is gone in UFA next year, to my dismay. The avs have top end guys as we know, but my thinking was that EJ is getting older and will likely regress, especially if he doesn’t stay healthy (bad history), and with Barrie gone, who will replace him? People will say Makar, but why not both? Go have the best defensive pair in the league in how ever many years. I think what a lot of people forget is avs have a decent amount of forward prospects already, maybe not high end, but we have those already. Forward prospects: Jost, Kerfoot, Kaut,, Bowers. All those guys have the potential to be #2 centers. The avs also have another first round pick to grab a forward. That's my thinking, go out and grab the best Defenseman in the draft, because we have prospects in place already.</div></div>

I agree on the EJ thing, but the defensive prospects are also there with Timmins, Meloche, &amp; Graves. Obviously there'll be a big dropoff from Byram to whatever D they could draft at 16, but there also seems to be a big dropoff after the top 10 forwards in this draft too. If they can sign a top 6 forward in UFA (crossing my fingers for Panarin even though I don't think it'll happen) and trade Barrie for like a Nylander, RNH, or Huberdeau type, things might be different, but right now, I'm a big Jost fan but the organization clearly isn't comfortable with him rn, Kerfoot is already 25, he kind of is what he is at this point, and Kaut should be good but there's a big difference in potential between the 16th pick and the 4th pick. Bowers had a so-so year and even if he reaches his potential he's gonna be a Soderberg type, which is great, but ideally you'd like that to be your 3C. At 4, you can get a forward that will either anchor your second line for years to come or move up to the top line and push Landy or Rantanen down to anchor the second line. Also, from a lot of what I've read, the reason Byram is gonna be drafted as high as he is has more to do with the separation between him and the second best defensive prospect than where he ranks among these forward prospects.
Forum: Armchair-GM16 avr. 2019 à 18 h 40
Sujet: Bread Man
Forum: Armchair-GM14 avr. 2019 à 20 h 36