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27 juin 2016
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Red Wings de Detroit
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Forum: Armchair-GM28 févr. 2023 à 14 h 36
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>CoachCoach</b></div><div>Understandable, I just don’t see the why.

NJ 1sts will be no higher than 20? Detroit this year could still be quite high.
Ras &gt; Johnsson
Zetterland = Wallinder (for now that’s fair to say with value although I believe most experts have Wallinder near the top 20 for prospects and I think he may be better than Edvinsson)
Ohk &gt; mastro
Muk = Buch (again, hard to analyze with Muk being a D and near NHL ready whereas Buch is a forward and a few seasons out)

Lindstrom and a 2nd for Tanev sounds great but not sure Calgary would agree. Maybe they would?

The other issue is that Lindholm is older and has only 2 years left and is 28. So at 30 Detroit has to try and resign him as well. About the same time as Kasper hopefully is ready to go.</div></div>

I agree it's a lot to pay. I'm not sure if I love the trade overall, but I do think the value is fair.

The why is to guarantee a top 6 C. I am as big a fan of Kasper's as anybody out there, but he's yet to play an NHL game. If he can get to Lindholm's level, that would be incredible, but it's not a guarantee.

Trading for Lindholm uses a lot of pieces we have redundancy on (Buch = Mazur, WW = Edvinsson, Mastro = Lombardi, Ras = Soderblom) to get a bonafide 2C (who could function as 1C as needed). He's a 200ft player, great at FO's, RH (which we don't have at C right now), and offensively sound. Allowing us this year and next under his current contract before resigning him gives us time to sort out the cap situation, though I agree it's going to be hard to give a 29/30yo an 8 year deal. 5-6 could be great though!