

Kampf Supremacy
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9 nov. 2021
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Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Kraken de Seattle
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Forum: Armchair-GM28 avr. à 14 h 4
Sujet: 3 way deal
Forum: Armchair-GM11 avr. à 12 h 39
Forum: Armchair-GM22 juill. 2023 à 21 h 11
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Random_internet_guy_1967</b></div><div>Idk if anyone else in the comments mentioned this, but you state in the description how the value is split up, and though you acknowledge that Philly wins in value on the Liljegren/Seeler portion, you argue that the Frost portion completely makes up for it. Samsonov could be argued of being at similar value to Hart in trade value considering they're only 2 years apart in age, both are RFAs, and the only real important difference would be that Sammy's previous season was better (I get he played for a better team but that isn't too important as literally any goalie by that argument can be good with the Leafs, and a Saros trade would give up less assets).

This wouldn't be a problem if the trade was something like Sammy and a 3rd and a 4th for Hart (as the 2 years of age is something to get some return value on) but you then go on to strap a clear leafs trade loss to it in Liljegren for Seeler (though I appreciate you acknowledged it above). Now if the trade was Lily/Sammy for Hart/Seeler the Leafs would lose the trade, though I'll put biases aside and admit that, though I'd chant to fire Shanahan and Treliving immediately, it at least has some merit, so how does adding Nylander and Murray for Frost fit in? A Murray cap dump is the cost equivalent to losing a first, but even then Frost is not that valuable.

Edit: idk why half my argument got cut off I'll mention it in another comment</div></div>

Quickly reorganizing the trade arguments above, you can see the jump in value that's looked over

Hart &lt; Nylander (No question here)
Frost = Liljegren (These guys are at similar points in their career and have similar ceilings and floors, so it comes down to positional preference in a trade, which though both center and RHD are in high demand, both teams need the defense)
Seeler &lt; Sammy+Murray (The difference here is arguably the biggest, as it can be compared to Hart and Murray being traded for Seeler and a 4th. just completely out of the question)

Don't get me wrong, GM did do a good job of trading away surplus and for assets that both teams would understandably want, just the valuation is completely off.

I'm open to criticism of my valuations in the case that I might've fallen to my bias, but I do honestly doubt it, and if I did, it probably wasn't to the extent the average Leafs fan is used to.
Forum: Armchair-GM22 juill. 2023 à 20 h 59
Forum: Armchair-GM21 juill. 2023 à 17 h 25