

V5 ANA and BOG
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6 janv. 2017
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Maple Leafs de Toronto
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Forum: GM Game 2019-2010 nov. 2022 à 22 h 1
Forum: GM Game 2019-2018 oct. 2022 à 1 h 40
Forum: NHL22 juill. 2022 à 23 h 50
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>OldHabsFan61</b></div><div>Ok so ruining hockey in this country does what exactly? Does it make any alleged victim not a victim anymore? Does it change what happened? Please tell me why we punish innocent people more than those involved in cover ups? A kid playing hockey right now for Canada (male or female) SHOULD NOT be punished for whatever happened in 2018 or 2003. It’s utterly outrageous that people want to punish kids now and in the future for what? What is gained? Nothing in the past changes. The only thing that changes is now this country has ruined its national sport for god knows how long… a decade or decades??

Canadians sure do love to self deprecate. We seem to love to loathe. We’ve always been a kind people who like to apologize, but what has happened in the last 20 or so years to this country is beyond my 61 years of comprehension. Your entire thought process does not help a single victim. It only makes different kinds of victims. Punish the people who were involved in the past coverups. If criminal proceedings follow this then let’s go to court but this sick idea of punishing the innocent has to be stopped. And I know you don’t care if an old guy never watches Team Canada again and neither do all these “do gooders” in our media with your mentality about this, but I’m sick for the kids today and tomorrow who will probably pay a bigger price for the past than those who were involved.</div></div>

How does accountability ruin hockey in a country quite literally foaming-at-the-mouth mad for the sport?

A key component of this that you're either failing to recognize or electing to ignore is that unless Hockey Canada is stripped down to stud, even outright replaced, all the kind of lip service you desire does is play musical chairs with an institution with a bad ignoring consent habit. What assurances are there preventing "Hockey Canada 2.0" from becoming just as cruel, uncaring, and vile as its predecessor? A fundamental change has to occur and that change has to be grassroots. The entire framework of Hockey Canada has led us to this very moment. It is wholly rotten. Tip to tail.

I look to other, actually-serious-about-societal-change leagues, such as the NBA where entire teams will sit out games in response to injustices. Sports are the reward of a fully-functional society. The most effective means of forcing change as an athlete is the refusal to participate until that change is made. Their million-dollar contracts and sponsors enable this. Any decent Canadian child playing through the Hockey Canada system should be actively trying to abstain from any events until this scandal is fully resolved. Why would a member of one of our elite women's teams want to wear the banner of an organization that cares not if young men drunkenly assault them so long as they believe money makes the problem disappear? How could the parents of vulnerable children want their daughters and sons to play for such a morally-bankrupt organization?

You think you're making a point and that you have the best interests of others at heart. The exact opposite is in fact true. I look to your usage of the word groupthink (let me guess, <em>liberal</em> groupthink, yeah?) or how you insist kids missing out on a few international tournaments are the true victims in this case. Have you no genuine empathy for the victims of these sexual assaults or are you so firmly entrenched as a product of your time that you cannot see this as anything other than "boys will be boys"? Human decency never needs to be politicized. I truly fail to see why you've attempted to do so here.

Canada, the children you so very much fret about, and the sport are truly better off with a complete reevaluation of what kind of organization should oversee our beloved sport. If it takes one year, ten years, or twenty. People will always matter more than a game. Shame on you for ignoring that.
Forum: Site Discussion22 juill. 2022 à 14 h 42