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17 mai 2024
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Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 13 h 42
Sujet: Chicago
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 13 h 35
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>hockeynutter</b></div><div>Chicago needs to add salary to reach the floor as do other teams. And if they value Kampf and when it comes to late round picks trading high picks away makes no sense when Toronto can easily find other ways of clearing the spacem buying him out clears half his salary.
So trading high end picks when a buy out is just as easy and saves high end picks is ****. Also if teams are that fussy over Kampf where they want high end picks, easy trade Jarnkrok. No one can argue that teams would not want a middle 6 15 goal scorer and penalty killer for only 2.1 million.
Toronto does not need to trade Kampf as a cap dump. Everyone needs to stop viewing him as that.
Toronto traded Mrazek with a bigger contract without the rise in salary cap and teams looking to reach a high salary cap floor with a late first round pick for a high 2nd round pick.
Once again, Toronto if they are smart are not looking to offload Kampf as a salary dump but as a way to change their current picks to have future ammunition because this year they have many late round picks and like only 3 next year in rounds 5,6,7.

Getting future picks for their current current year picks is advantageous to them. For rebuilding teams current year picks offer more years more development thus a potential quicker rebuild.</div></div>

You're the person who suggested trading Kampf to the Hawks. It may well be the case that any trade that the Hawks or another team would take for Kampf is a bad deal for the Leafs compared to a buyout, but that doesn't mean the Hawks suddenly take Kampf for basically nothing; it means the Leafs buy him out.
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 13 h 32
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>hockeynutter</b></div><div>Yet Chicago took torontos late first and Mrazek for a current year high second. Leafs dropped maybe 12 slots for it. It was done because Chicago needed a goalie! Not Chicago needs to find players that they can easily bury or trade in the future whilst trying to be competitive and reach the cap floor where they will need to add over 10 million in contracts.
Chicago can't overpay for a player and have that players locked in too long. If Guentzel wants to sign somewhere with a better chance of winning, this hurts where Chicago gets salary.
This trade gives you a current pick which is more valuable than a future pick similar to that of Toronto only dropping like 12 slots. Chicago gets a player too to help with cap and as peeke proved this past year, at the deadline he is a tradeable asset for this year and next year to acquire more picks!</div></div>

First of all, the difference between a 2024 4th (in a weak draft class) and 2025 4th is very small. Whoever the Hawks would take in the 4th round won't be among their top 20 prospects after the draft. If you offered #23 and Kampf for #34 (similar to the trade in 2022), a difference which PuckPedia rates as equal to the #43, I'd accept that deal. Secondly, the Mrazek trade came at a time where the Hawks needed a goalie to eat some time in net; by next season the Hawks will have plenty of bottom six forwards. Most importantly, this is yet another time I'm seeing the sentiment that the Hawks need players to get to the cap floor. It's really really easy to get to the cap floor. There are a dozen teams with someone they'd trade for nothing, or the Hawks could offer someone like Jonathan Marchessault or Brett Pesce or Chris Tanev a 1 year, $10 million dollar contract to improve the team and hit the cap floor. We might consider a trade for Kampf in part because we're below the cap floor, but you don't get a discount for helping us hit the cap floor.
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 13 h 21
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 13 h 1
Sujet: Chicago
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 10 h 44
Forum: Armchair-GM14 juin à 10 h 38
Forum: Armchair-GM12 juin à 12 h 35
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin à 13 h 55
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin à 11 h 21
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Hawksguy81</b></div><div>Think I'm going to disagree w/ that second part of your argument. That other $4.5m over 3 years for Skinner is close to "full cap dump value" to me. Skinner at $4.5m is a fair contract. Maybe somewhat of a bargain. Skinner at $9m is very overpaid. Would the Hawks take a pure cap dump of 3x$4.5m to move up from 18 to 11 and a 2nd? I don't think they would. I think it takes more than that. Ask yourself this? Are you taking the last 3 years of Campbell from Edmonton to move up 7 spots to #11 and a 2nd?</div></div>

I don't think it's far off. Last offseason, we took a future 2nd to acquire Josh Bailey, who we promptly bought out. His contract was $5 million, but because of the buyout we only took a $3.8 million cap hit. Last offseason, the salary cap was $83.5 million; it's $88 million now and projected at $92 million next year, so I'm expecting that the cost to dump a contract is going to be slightly cheaper. If Edmonton offered 3 2nd round picks to take Skinner, I'd consider that fair-- I'd prefer a bit more back, but I wouldn't think it's a bad deal for the Hawks. I personally don't think I'd give up 2 2nd round picks to move from #18 to #11 either, but the Puckpedia calculator has that as nearly fair, too-- perfectly even if Buffalo tossed in their 4th and the last pick of the draft this year. I'm at about the same place on Campbell-- I'd want a little bit more than that, but I don't think it's a bad trade from the Hawks' perspective.

But the Hawks have cap space to use, and there's no benefit to letting it go to waste. I don't love Guentzel, and I don't really buy that the Hawks go after him. I don't think we could get Guentzel. I think it's more likely that we sign players at the caliber of Max Domi or Alexander Wennerberg for 2-3 years at $4-5 million per year. If there are other, better cap dumps for the Hawks, I'm happy to take the better deal, but if the choice is taking the Skinner contract or signing two players for $4-5 million per year, I'd rather the former.
Forum: Armchair-GM9 juin à 10 h 49